Example sentences of "then down [art] " in BNC.

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1 So he and his rider galloped up a long hill and then down a longer hill and then up another hill and so on without a break for eight exhausting miles , and the more his rider puffed and gasped for breath , the more he enjoyed himself and the faster he went !
2 To reach the glacier you have to walk through a tunnel , then down a narrow ridge with Death on one side and a very steep drop on the other .
3 Each time the key changes ( first up a third , then down a third ) and there is a gradual crescendo and diminuendo .
4 and then down a bit more .
5 And when you get to er to the landing you turn it round through forty five degrees and then down a little bit further and eventually you tip it over to go down the stairs .
6 Then down the coast to St Louis in Senegal .
7 then down the wind came the boom of the great stanchion-gun ; and after that sound another sound , louder as it neared ; a cry as of all the bells of Cambridge , and all the hounds of Cottesmore ; and overhead rushed and whirled the skein of terrified wild-fowl , screaming , piping , clacking , croaking , filling the air with the hoarse rattle of their wings , while clear above all sounded the wild whistle of the curlew , and the trumpet note of the great wild swan .
8 Then brush your hands , up the arms , front and back , across the shoulders , down the chest ( avoiding the nipples if you are a woman ) and then down the back of the neck to the upper back .
9 In it he envisaged linking the two seas to generate electricity , based on the proposals of the engineer Max Bourcart , who wanted the canal to run from Haifa Bay , through the Bet Shean Valley , and then down the Jordan Valley .
10 Items of trade destined for southern Germany now had to be transported across the Corridor and then down the length of Germany .
11 The relatively peaceful and well-governed " home counties " of the Duke of Aquitaine , from Poitiers westwards to the sea at Talmont , then down the coast to Bordeaux and up the valley of the Garonne as far as Agen , comprised an area as large as midland and southeastern England and included some of the most prosperous and commercially developed parts of the whole duchy .
12 Blackberry , alert and intelligent , looking first up and then down the ditch before he crossed it .
13 We became quite a regular there , as a matter of fact , nine consecutive mornings , including two Sundays , past the battlements , through gardens , then down the long loot-crammed passages , with glass cases full of baubles and beauties , and oblongs of oils and tapestries and embroidered maps reeling past our sight — to the waiting room .
14 Access from the cockpit to the saloon is across a substantial bridgedeck then down the companion .
15 And reached over to slide a hand along her upper arm , then down the trim length of her back .
16 The tusks branched , one limb reaching up to the leafy mass on the head , the other reaching down , becoming tendrillar , tendrils curling round the torso and the arms , then down the spindly legs , supplying lobate oak-leaves as a covering for the scored , scoured , bark-like flesh below .
17 eg. ( SELF , UP , DOWN ) would cause the model to first look at the user who caused the last transition for a possible match , followed by a search up the user tree and then down the tree .
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