Example sentences of "then there [is] " in BNC.

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1 Then there is a third story .
2 Then there is the tale of a lying girl , as she may be , with whom he makes love , and who alarms him with word of a threatening German — a former SS man , perhaps .
3 Then there is the woman question , which arises in the novel in a fashion which sets us wondering , as in the past and as in the case of the above encounter , which parts of the bad behaviour on display Amis quite or largely likes .
4 It is just because whatever one has planned is bound to change as one proceeds that it is fatal to start too soon or too late , though it may be no less fatal , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , to start at the right time , for then there is no excuse , no excuse whatsoever .
5 And as Mary Douglas ( 1973 : 15 ) had pointed out , ‘ if we can not bring the argument back from tribal ethnography to ourselves , then there is little point in starting it at all ’ .
6 It would make no sense to say that the dots in the picture had a Gestalt of themselves , but to apply this model to the brain and experience would be just like that ; for , if the experience just is a state of the brain , then there is no way in which the character of the experience can be explained as the result of some perspective on the brain .
7 Then there is the absurd lack of ability to receive calls .
8 Then there is the cost : cellphone equipment is virtually given away with crisp packets and the running cost is only fractionally greater .
9 And then there is the insolence of the last line : ‘ sunset grand couturier ’ .
10 Then there is John Gannon in midfield .
11 Even then there is going to have to be a £300m-350m rights issue .
12 Then there is the tricky question of forward market operations .
13 As the Institute of Fiscal Studies today points out , the new system in effect means there is a charge of 86p a week for belonging to the system ; then there is a 9 per cent tax on income between £43 and £325 .
14 Then there is the story of the man who , as a young law student , fled across the border from the East and now , some 40 years later , has woven the deal which brought another 15,000 , many of them the age he was then , to the West .
15 Then there is the facsimile machine .
16 Then there is a potentially controversial stop in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor , which has a majority Catholic population .
17 Then there is changing definitions or the method of collection of statistics in such a way that something misleading is produced .
18 Then there is Christine Villemin , whose 4-year-old son Gregory was found near the village in the Vosges where he lived , floating in a river with his hands tied behind his back .
19 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
20 And then there is the hypothesis put to the A 's Tony La Russa , the lawyer-manager and quiet ringmaster of what can be a wild Oakland circus troupe : ‘ What do you do if Will Clark ( the Giants big-hitting first baseman ) comes to the plate with the bases loaded ? ’
21 When it is discovered that the combination of certain proportions of charcoal , sulphur and saltpetre produces disagreeable results , then there is no reason why the benefits of gunpowder should be restricted to China .
22 If so , then there is a sense in which homophobia may feed itself , securing the framework ( sexual difference ) which promotes and intensifies its displacement as anger .
23 But then there is no transgression from the position of the subordinate that is not controversial ; it is a virtually inevitable consequence of the disempowered mounting a challenge at all .
24 ‘ If the river is contaminated with toxic waste then there is every possibility all river life would be killed off for generations . ’
25 Then there is that saturated semi-peat that is often underfoot in the island , especially on the middle ground .
26 We 've been waiting for the knight in shining armour and then there is n't one .
27 Then there is sectarian competition — over what is evangelical , too evangelical , not evangelical enough .
28 Then there is the effect of narco-politics .
29 Then there is our gentle guide , Kan Phardidh .
30 But before then there is another Guardian debate ( Saturday , NFT1 , 2.15 ) which , if it is half as argumentative as last weekend 's about the South African cinema , ought to be well worth attending .
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