Example sentences of "then be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The defence will then be under the practical necessity of giving evidence to establish consent . ’
2 And how much more attractive the area might then be to potential investor industrialists who appreciate the value of air travel ?
3 A possible place to save the contents of the program counter ( that is , the address of the instruction following the subroutine call ) is in a suitable store location in the subroutine , typically its first location ; the subroutine jump will then be to the second location of the subroutine .
4 And what use would I then be to my father ?
5 It 's more or less a third of the marketplace will then be to the right .
6 Other options include using kerb stones to form the steps ( which will then be of a narrower depth than usual ) ; placing the bricks which form the risers on top of the paver which forms the tread , or alongside them at the back of each tread ( this alters the height of the risers , and the depth of the tread ) ; and using bricks or paviours for treads as well as risers , which will give a slightly more ‘ rustic ’ look .
7 These measures , along with effective draughtproofing , can cut the energy requirements of a house by more than half — so it should be done before you install a new boiler , which can then be of a smaller design .
8 In 1838 Captain ( later vice-admiral ) John Washington [ q.v. ] , secretary of the Royal Geographical Society , remarked upon these West African surveys : ‘ this tedious undertaking is drawing to a close , and will then be of equal utility to the fair traders , and to the anti-slavery cruisers .
9 It is important , though , to use pond water in the aquarium , for this will then be of the same temperature and composition , and therefore not injurious to the spawn .
10 ‘ And of course , ’ he continued blandly to the committee , ‘ if I can then be of assistance , I should be delighted . ’
11 The relationship , standards and monitoring of these data transfers using commercial telephone companies , internationally , must then be of high interest to the records manager .
12 Erm I must confess to doubting whether such a pool of talent exists and I share the views er of the Noble Lord , Lord Motterstone who in a very powerful and commonsense speech made this point an and a number of other ones , but I have to say that what I do think exists is the temptation to create posts for friends of the Government , a process of which has been going for far too long and I mem and I wonder if er members on the other side would defend this position as my Noble Friend Lord Allen said earlier , quite sincerely if , say , another party were in power before when such a time arrives it will then be of little avail for them to run around complaining , for they will have sown the seeds of their own dissatisfaction .
13 Old Mother Jacobsen knew that she did not have unlimited time to tell the story of Marie Grubbe to Elisabeth Danziger ; Elisabeth would stay for an hour and then be on her way .
14 In the long-run , however , unemployment and real output will return to their ‘ natural ’ levels , so that the full effect of the increase in the money supply will then be on the price level .
15 Around 1540 mining was most active in the far west of Cornwall , in particular between St Just in Penwith and Newlyn , and ‘ from ther to Looe Pool ’ and Helston , and there were ‘ no greater tynne workes in Cornwall then be on Sir William Godalchan 's ground ’ in and near Breage .
16 Focus would then be on the painting process itself , as in modernism , rather than on what is being painted .
17 The rotor tips would then be on the point of breaking up and the mounting on the verge of shattering under the centrifugal force .
18 The onus will then be on the seller to reject the buyer 's counter offer .
19 If you win , it will then be for them to serve an enforcement notice or injunction as appropriate .
20 It should then be for the official aircraft accident investigating authority to establish the cause of the accident and to make recommendations for avoiding similar accidents in the future , and it should be for the civil courts to decide who is liable to pay damages and to whom .
21 If the authority was under a duty to make a decision on the matters in issue between the parties , this duty will revive when the decision is quashed and it will then be for the authority to make a fresh decision .
22 But the erm the best thing would then be for the when the these people came round again to listen to the tape ,
23 The idea may then be for the surviving spouse to give the property ( which she took under the deed of variation ) to the children and make a potentially exempt transfer under IHTA 1984 , s3A : provided she survives seven years no inheritance tax will have been payable on the death or on the gift or indeed on her death by reference to the property which she gave to the children .
24 It would then be for the wife 's solicitors to draft the relevant conveyance/ transfer and declaration of trust ( as appropriate ) and submit these to the husband 's solicitors .
25 The leading opposition spokesman will follow ; the debate will then be at large and , at the end , the Minister or another government spokesman will sum up .
26 Even the enthusiasm of a Maury Temerlin ( 1976 ) does not tempt him to attribute this level of sophistication to Ameslan Lucy ; in part , for the obvious reason , that she would then be at risk to what is on the other side of this coin — moral guilt .
27 The risk of injury might become so great that the timid fighters , which never get hurt because they always run away first , might then be at an advantage .
28 Barring a last-minute volte-face by the MoD , the aircraft will then be at the mercy of the highest bidder , who might just be a scrap dealer .
29 The buyer could then be without any deposit money and without any property .
30 The supervisor can see from the depth gauge that they have made a seal , and contact between bell and supervisor would then be via a through water communications system .
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