Example sentences of "then i [be] " in BNC.

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1 Then I am able to give you a reassurance , madam , ’ he said .
2 Then I am standing in Aisha 's house with its Moroccan furniture and Moroccan smell , hardly able to believe that I 'm in London , having braved the customs official who turned my passport over and over in his hands .
3 If we could succeed in defining accurately and agreeing upon the meaning of the terms which we are employing , then I am afraid the House of Commons would be very largely deserted .
4 If you suspect that this is leading up to a tirade about vegetables suffering pain , flowers having feelings and ants being cleverer than humans , then I am sorry to disappoint you .
5 If anyone can be said to deserve a holiday , she told herself firmly , then I am the one .
6 If I am unfortunate enough to experience the untimely death of several people I am attached to so that it forms something of a pattern , then I am likely to experience considerable difficulty with my bereavements : there has been none of the unconscious preparation for the death of someone close that goes on in our awareness of incidents that are likely to occur .
7 I want to remain exceptionally thin , because then I am never likely to get fat .
8 My own plans are still totally up in the air , except that I am sure to resume my work when the new season gets underway — and then I am just going to make music wherever I am offered the best conditions for it .
9 If you mean will we consider your desire to return to our service , then I am afraid not .
10 Next summer when Pilade is weaned which I will do long before then I am determined to come myself to England if there is no other way and bring my son back here and I have started saving towards it .
11 Then I am a little hard .
12 If that is ‘ soft ’ then I am proud to be a ‘ softie . ’
13 ‘ You like this Giuoco Piano opening ? ’ says Sergei , and then I am not so sure .
14 If he is kind , then I am all right .
15 But if I claim that my religious experience is experience of God , then I am not simply talking about my own feelings but about a transcendent being that I am claiming my feelings to be feelings of .
16 In each case , if I am to claim that this revelation or experience is of ‘ God ’ , and is not simply an expression of some form of mental delusion which should be referred to a psychoanalyst , then I am forced to debate the interpretation that I am giving .
17 Then I am at your service . ’
18 Since then I am called ‘ Majesty ’ and it seems to me as if I was part of a play .
19 If that is the sense they give to the word ‘ Panslavism ’ , oh ! then I am a Panslav .
20 Perhaps it 's mountain snobbery to wish to avoid such a crowd , and if so then I am a mountain snob .
21 However , if those who successfully gain the top , with or without the burden of living-room furniture , feel blessed with the exhilaration and wonder of their surroundings then I am happy for them , and glad they are able to share an emotion I regularly enjoy on the hills .
22 Should the weather be unkind , or fish reluctant to rise , then I am sure that I will be able to find plenty of other sea-borne activities to keep me fully occupied ; and , hopefully , merrily amused .
23 Then I am happy , in that I have attained what you would call success ; and happy , in that I have attained what I consider good .
24 If my dear father believed in the hereafter , and all the good and intelligent clergymen we have met in our lives do so too , then I am quite confident . ’
25 If I have thereby diminished Carr and Rees 's very valuable contribution to this subject , then I am sincerely sorry .
26 If Ivanov was a spy , then I am sure he obtained far more strategic information by legitimate methods than he ever did by covert means .
27 I have often thought : if his conduct be the result of a good education , then I am glad to be just an ordinary guy .
28 Then I am at home when the kids get in from school .
29 If she 's dead then I am free of her , thought Lee .
30 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
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