Example sentences of "could be just " in BNC.

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1 It could be just one of these occasions when your home really is being ransacked .
2 Remember , too much could be just as harmful as too little .
3 Beaumarchais/Livings is funnier , faster and subtler than , say , the average Whitehall farce and could be just as accessible .
4 An acquittal by default could be just as serious .
5 It could be just another trap and what with Mr Bishop and Gazzer , there had been too many of those lately .
6 If you have a space problem , then the loft could be just the place to put to good use .
7 For those of you shying away from hopping around in the water and tired of pedalling away on a bike , a new stepping machine from Powersport International could be just the thing you 're after .
8 Your selection to receive this invitation , and the allocation , exclusively to you , of seven numbers that you alone can enter in the draw , means that you could be just one step away from winning the first prize in this £40,000 draw — which would give you the choice that I mentioned between a lump sum and an income for life .
9 A conversation about the Kershaw Worm could be just the thing to keep his mind off Ken .
10 This bus could be just the ticket for a small family .
11 If you have a pond complete with fountain , and are troubled by herons , the latest deterrent device the Aquaguard by Stockport-based Mattison Bros Ltd could be just what you are looking for .
12 With home recording equipment so comparatively cheap these days ( you can buy quite a workmanlike setup for the cost of a decent guitar ) these video manuals could be just the answer to a layman 's prayer .
13 For anyone with techno-fear , the A4 could be just the thing for those first , tentative steps into the world of programming , and the MIDI facility means you 'll already have the foot-controller if or when you feel the need to expand your effects with another processor .
14 This can be taken from a plastic bag with a decorative design , or could be just a piece of plain colour cut into a shape .
15 According to consultant Samantha Vandertoorn from The South London Natural Health Centre , the knowledge that you 're about to forget all your troubles in flotation could be just the incentive your body needs to get you to Westminster Bridge .
16 And it could be just in time .
17 But if you 're prepared to take the risk of equity investment for the reward of a tax-free return , a PEP could be just the right route for you .
18 After a heart-stopping few minutes it was realized that it could be just squeezed through with about three-quarters of an inch to spare .
19 The following comment could be just as easily applied to the 1980s as to earlier this century .
20 And that could be just the tip of the iceberg as official monitoring picks up only a fraction of illegal pollution .
21 And a re-run of those days could be just a couple of weeks away .
22 But he says the arrival of £650,000 Martin Kuhl from Portsmouth could be just the tonic County 's under-pressure stars need .
23 ‘ The Horns Of Jericho ’ could be just that , an electronic approximation of that fateful trumpet blast that shakes the rafters .
24 The behaviour of Danie Craven and his 102-year-old SA Rugby Board in this matter could be just as problematic .
25 Bradley is not the world 's fastest passer , but he is a durable warrior , a highly intelligent and brave footballer who could be just the man for the All Blacks .
26 In 1991 there were 3.3 workers per pensioner ; by 2030 there could be just 2.2 .
27 Many industry specialists claim that a new international standard called MPEG-2 , quietly agreed in April , could be just as influential as the result of the FCC competition .
28 Could be just the way you 're thinking and feeling at the time , allied to a little bit of luck , a natural rhythm . ’
29 Unfortunately , Cooper could be just as difficult in private as he was in public , and Richardson moved out in 1960 .
30 And if it did happen , your physical health could be just the first of many things you lose , that you take for granted now .
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