Example sentences of "have seem to " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when it must have seemed to many of them that he would never receive a bad review , or even a cross word .
2 General Holomisa , the first black officer to graduate from the South African army 's War College , must have seemed to be the perfect instrument , or stooge , of such a policy .
3 In June of that year Eliot met a figure from what must now have seemed to the London banker a remote part of his life .
4 But it was also a throwback to a form of behaviour which , however natural it might have seemed to officer cadets in the First World War , was excruciatingly embarrassing to succeeding generations of Magdalen men .
5 Their place in a group dominated by the Catholics no doubt reflected the regent 's desire for consent from Catholic and protestant alike ; and as yet she saw little reason to fear the Protestants , who must still have seemed to her far less of a threat than the strong Huguenot party in France .
6 However Charles saw his conquest of Saxony , it must have seemed to the Saxons to be a religious war , for they had no firm concepts of centralised government , only tribal nomadic territories , and certainly no need for the town , city and county based Frankish system .
7 Once again , it was fear of Charles and his military might that converted the Saxons , not love of Christ ( who must have seemed to them a very hard , vengeful god indeed ) .
8 The subscription provided an alternative to flattery and must surely have seemed to her the most manageable form of dependence .
9 She had not colluded , but might have seemed to .
10 The first they saw of the village may thus have been the dilapidated thatched cottage called Gilberts or Gilbards , which , improbable as it would have seemed to Coleridge in the fever of Pantisocracy , was to have so important a place in his later history .
11 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
12 He was vaguely surprised that what sense of loss he did have seemed to be connected in some way with Cyprus .
13 It must have seemed to him that Vincent had gained immeasurably in strength and confidence since their last confrontation .
14 And the passion with which the surviving English monks defended their past and resisted change must have seemed to him simply a final proof of mental and spiritual decay .
15 In explaining the fall in mortality , some weight must be given to the increasing wealth of Europe which made possible better feeding and better housing — however slight the improvements may have seemed to the poor .
16 Questions of religion mattered so much to the leaders of the colony that arguments in favour of religious toleration would have seemed to them simply a new onslaught on the purity of religion .
17 For this simple , self-evident reason , the birth of twins , and especially identical twins , would have seemed to the ancients nothing short of miraculous — a phenomenon attesting to some intervention of divine origin .
18 Perversely , as it must have seemed to penal reformers , the opportunities offered by borstal training , with its reformative aims , were all too often spurned by young offenders , many of whom preferred a prison sentence to borstal training on the grounds that it was usually shorter and for a more certain period .
19 The high moral principle , to use his own phrase , of mid-Victorian muscular Christianity , may well have seemed to the agnosticism of early twentieth-century scientific certainty an insubstantial basis for the development of Co-operation ; and , as a derivative from the French , from the advocacy by Louis Blanc and Buchez of self-governing Producers ' Associations formed by workmen and operating through ‘ National Workshops ’ , the concept was not only at odds with but alien to that of the British Movement which had come to be dominated by the Consumer Movement .
20 So , this at least is indisputable : that however it may have seemed to Cole in 1944 , justification by success has lost its validity : and the loss prompts the question whether the Movement should re-appraise its purposes so as to establish Co-operation on a broader and securer footing .
21 Perhaps they meant it , but he died of a fever his first winter here and it must have seemed to him that they 'd broken a promise .
22 In rejecting the " fallacy of objectivity " in stylistics , we may have seemed to be labouring the obvious .
23 ‘ But even that is not as hard as recognising that the sum of human misery has probably been increased by what we did , incredible though that would have seemed to us then . ’
24 Though a reconsecrated Chad was shortly afterwards appointed bishop of Lichfield with Oswiu 's consent , this must have seemed to the northern king a high-handed way for the new archbishop to act .
25 Cuba — only ninety miles from the United States — must have seemed to Khrushchev ( who had to be seen to be making progress on at least one front ) an irresistibly appropriate object for a Soviet response to US arrogance and intransigence .
26 When Hannah was a child , running water meant the stream in the field and such things as electricity , the internal combustion engine and even the wireless were available only on another planet or so it must have seemed to the average resident of this remote and lovely but intensely deprived valley .
27 Although he might have seemed to be a committed Cromwellian , Blackwell like Deane supported the Wallingford House faction , led by Charles Fleetwood and John Lambert [ q.v. ] , who were responsible for the overthrow of Richard Cromwell [ q.v. ] as protector and the return of the Rump in May 1659 .
28 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
29 It must have seemed to Bragad 's minions that we were falling on them out of thin air .
30 The idea that the army should be a microcosm of the nation , or representative of it in any true sense , would have seemed to most contemporaries ridiculous or even shocking .
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