Example sentences of "have [vb pp] most " in BNC.

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1 Malta was on short rations and the menu was sparse but we must have consumed most of the champagne remaining in the club cellars .
2 It is natural that these political events should have received most attention from historians : they concern the principles of social organization , the relations between the two chief governmental powers in society , and the materials are comparatively abundant .
3 ‘ Are you going to join us ? ’ invited Eleanor , with a smile that would have charmed most men right into the palm of her hand .
4 ‘ The 5% increase in house prices which we were expecting this year would have solved most of our problems , including the brunt of the arrears and repossessions , ’ it says .
5 You will already have considered most of the factors under ‘ operational implications ’ , but do n't forget that you need to allow for the tea , coffee and biscuits that the second conference will be consuming in substantial quantities .
6 The people who would have suffered most from Mr Moore 's penal approach are the 1.6 million children in one parent families .
7 People who have spent a lot of time with horses will have seen most of these emotions in horses at one time or another .
8 Goldfish have the remarkable ability to survive conditions which would have seen most other fish off long ago — a fact which has laid them open to much abuse .
9 And it is deeply revealing that recent scholarly research into what tribal art he could have encountered during the time of his first enthusiasm for it has demonstrated that he could not have seen most of the examples which art historians have previously compared and juxtaposed to his paintings.1
10 An early marriage and five children would have tempered most women 's ambitions and had Emecheta 's marriage been happy , she might have settled for domestic life .
11 Though Clinton may have clinched most of the Jewish vote with his down-the-line promise to treat Israel more gently than President Bush does , the irony is that , for Jews and gentiles alike , his blatant Big Apple vote-seeking has done nothing to make him look principled or even presidential .
12 I loved We were such good friends ( September SHE ) — in fact , I could have written most of it myself .
13 Its author , who may have written most of every entry between 991 and 1016 , has a distinctive and somewhat dramatic style , and knew a great deal .
14 ‘ No , ’ said Preston , in the tone of voice which would have convinced most people he did n't want him to .
15 By three years old , time , practice and the growing skill that matches hand with eye will have helped most children to master sleeves , big buttons and some zips .
16 Oxbridge University Colleges may have produced most of our nation 's leaders for generations .
17 Her beautiful face would have persuaded most men , including Troy if he had not been married to her , but he no longer loved her enough to agree to anything she wanted .
18 What the human did next would have surprised most nomes .
19 And that to him seems to be the answer to a problem which at sometime or another must have exercised most of use , and which he explains in the pamphlet which accompanies the display ; ‘ The art gallery , that supposed refuge and den of tranquility , I find a troubled place .
20 Since teachers were the main resource in PNP , it is teaching — and hence learning — which should have benefited most from the Council 's initiatives .
21 The tree was so big that , if it had fallen into the clearing , it would have flattened most of the gathering , but luckily it went in the other direction , toppling over the cliffside .
22 Thousands of young people will be spending this Christmas on the streets because they have no home to go to , and over a third of them will have spent most of their childhood in care .
23 HAD SHE been born 10 years ago , baby Jessica Kelly would by now have spent most of her life in hospital .
24 Even if this were the case , there would still be the social problems experienced by mentally handicapped people who may have spent most of their lives in a hospital and find it difficult to cope with a completely new environment .
25 That 's the season when coloured hollies or laurels which may have spent most of the summer masked by the bright herbaceous flowers in the foreground , take centre stage and preside over the border .
26 He probably left for Wales in November 1469 and may have spent most of the next few months there .
27 I have to say I must have spent most of my time in the toilets .
28 He probably left for Wales in November 1469 and may have spent most of the next few months there .
29 The bleak landscape would have depressed most people , but Manescu was used to the winters in Romania .
30 Art is indeed a mystery — a ‘ truth which is above reason ’ , and here are two facets of it , which , if we are honest , must have perplexed most of us .
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