Example sentences of "have [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 This means that in the wind conditions as in fig 30 , you will have little to no time on the inbound track .
2 Rather more impressive in the parallel stakes is an engineering model of the scalable parallel system in development at the company 's Highly Parallel Supercomputing Systems Laboratory , a moderately parallel machine that will have eight to 64 RS/6000 processors scaling up to 6 GFLOPS peak performance .
3 The Highly Parallel System will have eight to 64 RS/6000 processors scaling up to 6 GFLOPS peak with an optional high-performance switch interconnect .
4 In a school you may have fifty to sixty teachers to help you out .
5 ‘ He must have some to be making the phone calls , but he 's stealing things mostly . ’
6 Er , we need to now have some to er cover the cost of proposed adaptations to bring support staff together , which I 'll , which we 've got in hand , and we 'll also be miring money , I think from the salary budget to help with the cost of er the total quality training .
7 Under the Brabazon recommendations , the aircraft would have six to eight piston or reciprocating engines , possibly replaced by gas turbine engines if available , and a pressurized cabin , and be capable of flying 5,000 miles non-stop at 275 miles per hour .
8 Our ‘ marker ’ login is a separate login from our normal ones , and does not have write-permission to our other files .
9 UI reckons it 'll have 20,000 to 30,000 copies in circulation by summer .
10 She 's never had a wage " I never worked — he would n't let me , though I 'd have like to . "
11 Valuable coaching can often come from drama school tutors who can give a fair assessment of the possibilities you may have prior to auditioning .
12 Donald Davie , in a dispirited essay called ‘ Criticism and the Academy ’ , ruefully acknowledges that the belletrist criticism of men of letters such as Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly ( unequal figures , these , one has to remark ) might have more to be said for it than he , as a lifelong academic , would be happy to acknowledge :
13 ‘ The artist has commenced his Description at Coniston Water , and pursued a line which he thinks will have less to be retraced than any other he could have chosen . ’
14 By and large , those extra ’ advantages ’ , as the Labour party calls them , for the employee have to be paid for out of the profits of the organisation as a whole and they eat away at the capital that the business would ultimately have available to reinvest in jobs .
15 Well I think , probably ought to make it clear of course that we wo n't have available to us the greenbelt local plan enquiry , so
16 Damages for the loss of dependency ought to be such that she will have available to her to spend each year , free of tax , a sum equal to the amount of the dependency .
17 erm I do n't make presentations as such but erm I do have one to one discussions with on the sites on what plant they need and stores
18 ‘ The Commission has nothing to say on this subject ; it is something which will have first to be discussed by the member states of the Community in political co-operation , ’ a Commission spokesman said yesterday .
19 I was amazed at first , for most Irish people never carry on like this , and those that do have first to be very sure of their company .
20 The court stated obiter that there is no reason why a section 2(2) notice should not be issued to the applicant after he had been charged , but this statement was accompanied by the clear and crucial corollary that the person who had been charged would have first to be cautioned and questions could only be put for the paragraph 16.5 purposes .
21 All news reports would henceforth have first to be " co-ordinated " with the Interior Ministry , while publishing houses could face fines of up to 100,000,000 Turkish lira ( about US$40,000 ) and immediate closure if found guilty of printing any material deemed to " pose a threat to the rule of law " .
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