Example sentences of "could [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 Erm the only thing that occurred to me I just wondered if she knew somebody who had a dearly loved dog that , did n't want to train it but you know she could perhaps just take along for the joy of running it and training it but I think part of the pleasure is the reflected glory you know it 's my dog
2 We tried to identify distant hills , but in the dense heat haze that now hung about us , we could only just see Whernside and Penyghent .
3 ‘ I was so cold I could only just press the stop button .
4 They thought that it could only just have died .
5 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
6 The sound was deep , electronically slick and fluid , but feathered with a tremolo so fine you could only just distinguish the individual notes .
7 I said my vows a bit too loud and they seemed to echo round the light oak panelling of the room ; Gill seemed to overcompensate and whispered hers so that the registrar and I could only just hear .
8 The birthrate could only just keep pace .
9 The moon was not yet up and in the darkness we could only just make out the rock face of the west bank above us , a cliff some thirty feet high .
10 She tried to look down at her feet , and could only just see them .
11 It was a dark , wet , misty night , and we could only just see someone ahead of us .
12 I could only just control my tears .
13 Its door was only a metre high and half a metre wide , so I could only just get inside on my hands and knees .
14 He turned and went back into the inn , but he could only just stand on his feet .
15 He could only just reach the handle to close the door behind him .
16 But one day , after that first programme , some friends from Halifax arrived with a little black and white Border collie pup , so small he could only just manage to get over the doorstep .
17 The light was fading to a point where the battlements of the Hovis tower could only just be distinguished from the pinkish-gray of the sky .
18 The sound was so soft that I could only just hear it .
19 So thickly was the snow falling that I knew they could only just have been made , probably within the past five minutes .
20 His head turned , and although she could only just see the shadow of his eyes she knew he was looking at her .
21 Patrick and Jim could only just overhear the conversation that ensued , in quick-fire French .
22 If you present the letters very rapidly , just so they could only just be detected , erm you 'd find that sometimes X and Y would be confused , whereas X and P were very rarely confused .
23 By the beginning of the third week , Charlie could only just fit his swollen toes into the heavy leather boots the army had supplied him with , but looking down the rows of feet that adorned the barrack room floor each morning he could see that none of his comrades was any better off .
24 erm These films could only just run and show the faces , show the expressions , show a little action .
25 Centuries of oppression could not just be wiped out by a legislative dictate .
26 Still , his view could not just be set aside .
27 You could not just say , Christ will help you bear it .
28 Those insights could not just be abandoned but no one could understand how something could be both a wave and a particle .
29 This teacher afterwards remarked that she could not just ‘ set ’ activities such as problem-solving or project work of this kind and expect the children to be able to manage on their own .
30 Caspar was shouting to her not to struggle , because it would only mean she would sink quicker , but Fenella was struggling fiercely , because she could not just give in .
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