Example sentences of "some case the " in BNC.

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1 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
2 In some cases the Housing Association will fund the work .
3 In some cases the disqualification is not only from a particular event within a tournament , but from the whole tournament .
4 In some cases the former dictates the direction in which the grain must run in individual pieces of the pattern ( as well as often influencing the actual shapes of parts ) .
5 In some cases the firm will do all the measuring up ; others rely on the customer to do it .
6 ‘ In some cases the lack of up-to-date equipment which reflects modern industrial practice is impairing the students ’ experience . ’
7 And in some cases the assumptions you have asked us to cost are vulnerable to counter attack from the Opposition .
8 They have no enforceable right to enter British territory , and in some cases the Government is authorized by Statute to exclude and even expel them from the United Kingdom .
9 With stalagmitic calcite , the position of the calcite in relation to the archaeological levels will provide at least a terminus result , and in some cases the archaeology may fortuitously be sandwiched between two datable calcite layers .
10 Third , in some cases the defendant acts instinctively in response to an unexpected situation , completely misjudging the proper reactions in the heat of the moment : this is a similar reason to the second , but adds the element of emotional disturbance , which may explain the over-reaction in certain cases .
11 In some cases the inspiration from Tripoli created opportunities which coincided with the interests and enthusiasms of men like Salah Muhammad who then set about persuading people , one by one , to take advantage of them .
12 In many forests they took the lop and top , and in some cases the stump , of all trees given by the king from the woods in their bailiwicks , or taken there for his use .
13 They usually had in addition the right to gather firewood which could be collected without the use of an edged instrument , and in some cases the right to take housebote and haybote under the supervision of the foresters and verderers .
14 In some cases the hotels are party to the commission arrangements : the Savoy , for instance , pays its own concierges commission every time they book a car through its own limousine company .
15 In some cases the process of unwinding overlapped into the weekend and it was Saturday afternoon before mind and body were fully attuned to the less hectic pace .
16 Some of the wives may have undervalued their contribution and in some cases the husbands questioned their wives ' relatively low rating of themselves .
17 In some cases the efficacy of behavioural programmes has been potentiated by adding explicit cognitive procedures ( Mattick and Peters , 1988 ) .
18 But in some cases the necessary basic information is lacking ; for example , the reproductive rate of some whales is unknown .
19 In some cases the school 's survival would depend on it , especially schools which were already threatened by falling rolls due to demographic factors .
20 From September 1990 parents , and in some cases the pupils themselves , have a right to see the record in so far as it is made after 31 August 1989 .
21 In some cases the benefit was mutual .
22 The herpetic lesions may involve the opening of the urethra and in some cases the infection spreads to the bladder .
23 In some cases the patient recovers from this state , and relates to his family as before .
24 Experimentation is fine , but in some cases the stakes are too high .
25 In some cases the development officer found it easier to substitute support workers for a home help .
26 In some cases the psychiatric service did not admit people to hospital early enough .
27 It is not only players of a sport who risk injury , but in some cases the spectators too , and for example the problem of ‘ football hooliganism ’ has become a matter of concern in the UK .
28 In some cases the need for knowledge of the businesses meant that a large number of specialist journals were taken by the corporate planning department and circulated within corporate head office .
29 Furthermore , some of the changes happening in those schools visited were not due purely to the introduction of financial devolution , being in some cases the result of a change of personnel at senior level .
30 Some of the owl species are covered by more than one pellet collection so as to provide an estimate of within species variation , but in some cases the sample is restricted to single pellet collections .
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