Example sentences of "them just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While I was doing that all the drums I left last week for them just to do they had n't done .
2 Well I think we 'd better leave them just to do what they like , cos I expect Gwen wants to get on with her dinner now .
3 Well the kids round our way they have bikes but they never go anywhere on them just take to go and do a paper round .
4 Well I 'm thinking of having them just take some of the pressure off .
5 I would rather see a few children unnecessarily separated from their parents than thousands of them just remain without any parents at all ! [ … ] .
6 Right , erm I told them just throw these out !
7 When Jim Courier and Andre Agassi roomed together at Nick Bolletieri 's tennis academy in Florida , one of them just had to leave the door ajar .
8 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
9 Yeah picture them in your mind and then just draw them just write the letter D dog door
10 Most of them just go with the flow , ending up as something like a gas fitter or a policeman .
11 I want us to thrash them just to see him shut his fat mouth — and then whinge about unfair treatment blah blah blah .
12 Love to see them just to see what it 's like , okay .
13 okay when you get those cut out you can just play with them just get used to the sizes and the shapes and erm make sure that you ask someone .
14 And you work all of those out so that you just play with them just get to know them so that you 're happy with them .
15 Mi you know the really old Russian ones , when they I remember when they shot the rockets up and then the bits of them just get left behind in space .
16 One of them just missed the teacher 's head .
17 So if somebody said to me what what were the highlights for you yesterday , Aldershot method tell them what you tell them just list them .
18 In general , in a system of large enough horizontal extent , one expects to find a spatially random distribution of thermals with some of them just forming , some in vigorous convection and some fading away , with the interval between formation and fading away being very variable .
19 Not I went to bed last night at twelve o'clock John and Ryan was in bed about twelve I think , the two of them just fell straight to sleep .
20 And some of them just hit return .
21 Yeah so when people are saying , Well simple harmonic motion or erm you know throwing a stone up and down that sort of thing roughly is n't it sort of one of them goes up and down a lot like that one of them just goes up once and down same equation .
22 Well the majority of them are a , abused or get thrown out of mental centres , I mean , some of them just run away from home because they want to and that 's only a minority , lots of them have
23 Most of them just keep , just go like that yeah and she sort of goes mm mm mm mm she sort of sways .
24 draw round them just put them put them out like that and when you 've put them out to make a a pattern you can say if you just work with twelve first .
25 The rest of them just paused and hesitated .
26 No that 's part of the the windows washing but I 'll quickly washed over them just to spruce them up a bit but I thought if I put Mrs in that , is she driving , or is she not ?
27 Many of them just lie there helplessly until somebody manhandles them over the side of the boat .
28 How long they had been ‘ carrying ’ their susceptibility to that cold around with them just waiting to meet up with the right bugs will depend upon the individual circumstances of each of them .
29 ‘ You can even cheek your teachers and some of them just do n't do anything , you know .
30 if some of them just do it to be on the television .
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