Example sentences of "them did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He went round with some seeds , planting them in the ground and that , but some of them grew and some of them did n't .
2 ‘ Lots of them did n't , ’ said Lee , running down the passage and into the kitchen that Philip had been in yesterday morning where Mrs Wright had given him a cup of tea .
3 Many of them did n't make it .
4 The boots staggered sideways with the impact , but the man inside them did n't fall .
5 Some of them did n't read music or tablature and they just needed chord symbols and little expressions that made sense to them .
6 They were the school caretakers but my job helping them did n't last long .
7 The land around them did n't seem a lot different to the place they 'd left , except that the vegetation was lower and Masklin could n't see any water .
8 Half of them did n't , they were up illegally in the first place , working the under-side of the system , the jobs nobody wants .
9 Some of them did n't work out too well …
10 I think that they may be frightened to speak up and that they 're scared that if they say something that they do n't know , like a lot of them do n't know the facts , like today , in the same class as Janine across there , some of them did n't know even the very the pro , progression of the male pill or anything like that , and they did learn a few things but a again they never spoke up and they were n't interested , but I
11 As far as I was concerned , a lot of them did n't really want to know .
12 So I mean if the man was going to take it on himself I mean er he used the French letter then when that clinic started up as I would say , the women would go there you see stop that lark because they did n't even they did n't even let , er take very kindly to the French letters some of them did n't you know , the men .
13 Some of them had to walk because you they they could n't take them in in in any conveyance at all because er it was over what they call the viaducts , you know and the big rushes and reeds , I told you about a chap hitting them did n't I ?
14 Sometimes one of them did n't make it back to base , or camp , or whatever they called it , and then one of his chums would pop along to tell the girlfriend .
15 Some of them made it and a lot of them did n't , and the agencies , particularly the photo agencies , exploited these people mercilessly .
16 And everybody was working for Hurley , although most of them did n't know it .
17 The people around them did n't worship the one true God .
18 I mean I know in my time when I was a crane driver if they , if one of them did n't turn up dow down at Cliff Quay they 'd come along to a crane driver and they 'd say , take a rope for us will you .
19 The remaining four had all been backstage at the relevant time , or could have been , but the motives Charles had managed to dredge up for them did n't survive close scrutiny .
20 Oh I know some of them did n't have as much as I did .
21 I there was a couple that were really seriously badly burnt , and one of them did n't survive .
22 Course all young w women used to go and skivvy as they called them did n't they .
23 Half of them did n't turn up this morning — the ones who 're probably illegal immigrants and the ones who 're afraid of being blown up .
24 He would spend a great deal of time trying to fit in fresh pieces only to find that most of them did n't belong to his picture .
25 Well you , you learnt about the technique with the mares when you were trying to wean them did n't you ?
26 Er but they did so much better I mean you know nerves really got a bit the better of them did n't it
27 He said : ‘ We as Liberal Democrats should make this point : that people in England are also being governed by a party that a majority of them did n't vote for .
28 They was only , they 'd either got to pay for accommodation at a lodging house or go to the workhouse , they called them then , which is the casual ward , and at the casual ward they were required to bath on admission , which a lot of them did n't like , they were compelled to do certain work .
29 Cos that 's what Margaret stopped paying her paying for them did n't she June ?
30 , you took three of them did n't you ?
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