Example sentences of "its [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Along the inferior border of the mandible may be seen the roseate shaped groups of grooves that occur when the rodent anchors its lower jaw on one side of the mandible and pivots against this with its upper jaw to produce a series of grooves converging downwards to a single point .
2 The horse can move its lower jaw from side to side when eating , and the jaw muscles drag the lower teeth inward in a grinding motion .
3 Like most snakes it can disarticulate its lower jaw from its upper when confronted with a particularly large meal , but it does more than that .
4 This was , when all is said and done , class legislation : enacted by one class for the betterment of its lower brethren ; not for the correction of its own bad habits .
5 Two antimony pH probes ( Monocrystant Mod 0011 , Synectics Medical , Sweden ) were calibrated at Ph 1 and 7 at 35°C before the study and then passed transnasally so that the upper probe lay 5 cm proximal to the upper border of the manometrically determined lower oesophageal sphincter and the lower probe 10 cm distal to its lower border .
6 Consider the king penguin : the male is the one that incubates the egg , carrying it around on its feet and protecting it for months from the Antarctic weather with a fold of its lower belly
7 Triceratops maximised its biting strength by evolving high bony cranks on its lower jaws to move the line of muscle pull-up , and thus increase the leverage .
8 The bread wards off hunger for as long as the same weight of ordinary bread despite its lower starch value .
9 The weight of the wasp upon its lower lip brings down the upper lip of the flower containing the anthers , to dust the wasp 's back liberally before his eventual , disappointed departure to another flower , carrying the orchid pollen with him .
10 Despite the CKR 's reduced reliance on ocean shipping documents , its lesser chance of fraud and breach of security , especially when compared with paper based and telefaxed bills of lading , and its lower handling costs , North American banks , particularly United States banks , did not accept the CKR .
11 Her voice , vulgarised by its Lower Normandy accent , was full of caressing tones , and her eyes , of uncertain colour , green , grey , or blue , according to the light , had a pleading expression , which never left them .
12 Thus the check specification need not always have both its upper and its lower limits different from the release specification .
13 In 1875 North London Collegiate School and its lower school ( Camden School , opened in 1871 ) were successful in gaining endowments which secured their financial future , though the struggle for funding was trying and uphill work .
14 The persistent characteristic of the Spanish professional class , especially in its lower ranges , is the necessity of double employment .
15 Venus could lack such an inner core because of the lower central pressures corresponding to its lower gravity .
16 Vantage have used a sealed back on the VG-15 and so the reverse side is featureless , save for the mains cable which trails from its lower edge .
17 Its lower edge is fretted with holes , like lace .
18 A hard pelmet can be softened , if necessary , by adding a flowing shape such as a scallop to its lower edge .
19 Place the buckram over the heading allowance with its lower edge level with the marked top edge of the curtain .
20 Iron the interfacing to the wrong side of the heading allowance , with its lower edge level with the marked top of the curtain and its ends touching the creaseline of the sides .
21 The campanile was the first in the city to have a clock that struck the hours ( although that of the church of Sant' Eustorgio was the first to have had a clock , in 1306 ) In its lower part the campanile is square , but it soon becomes octagonal , rising in elegant brickwork tiers separated by delicate friezes .
22 The typical ‘ downdraught gasifier ’ ( there are also updraught and crossdraught models , see figure above ) has its combustion zone , or ‘ fireball ’ , in its lower part .
23 At Ferrara the cathedral has been much altered , but the façade remains with its lower part Romanesque and the upper stages Gothic .
24 We used the tongue in its lower reaches , where it licked land close to the edge of the Skaftafell site .
25 Naked limestone is a feature of the river bed and there are caves in the bank below Danny Bridge in its lower reaches before joining the River Rawthey just before Sedbergh .
26 Verkhovensky has courage ( though in its lower forms of which Plato speaks ) , but otherwise there is nothing in common between the two young men except the times they live in .
27 We would probably expect the dispersion in Β to be considerably larger than in N ; on the other hand , this may be offset by its lower degree of serial correlation .
28 Another point put forward in favour of arbitration is its lower cost ; in litigation the costs can be considerable .
29 Indeed , one of the major arguments for the promotion of ‘ community care ’ over the past decades — its lower cost , compared with institutional and residential alternatives — has been sustainable precisely because the costs to carers and their families have been largely ignored .
30 Its best feature is Creag Meagaidh , 3700 feet , with a nature reserve on its lower slopes ; unfortunately , this giant is out of sight from the road but is seen well after a short climb on a path from Aberarder Farm , worth doing for a view of the craggy east face of the mountain .
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