Example sentences of "them [det] the " in BNC.

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1 If there are alternative theft and handling counts , the jurors should not be instructed to convict of the offence which it seems more probable to them that the accused committed .
2 It took them half the time to get Kevin out to the Murphy cart than it took to get Liam sobered up again and it was Nellie who finally drove the cart away with its very full load .
3 The cost of the charter to Aru had long since been settled : Yong would pay them half the sum now , and his relations would pay the balance once we and the cargo had safely reached Aru .
4 They had people to do that for them half the time , there was no need for it , but it was as if I had to earn my keep , I had to repay what they 'd done for me , with the people that worked there laughing at me behind my back , wondering where I 'd come from , thinking maybe I was no better than them .
5 I 'll fill that in as well , Northern Hydraulics because I 'm paying er hydraulics prices for er seals when we can get them half the price off them .
6 I know , we used to drive round in them half the time !
7 Now we all know because we 're print buyers to a larger or greater degree but they 're clients they over-estimate they add about twenty five per cent more on than they need and you have to send them back to sharpen their pencils several times before you 've seen the estimate , they of course know that all print buyers are idiots who keep forgetting all the important things and do n't give them half the information they need like the weight of paper or the fact that there 's to be a pocket at the back so , I think if we got the man I think if we maybe started off with H M S O the print buyer which is more akin to what we are and say well you know these are the problems I 've got I 'm sitting with a six million pound budget buying for the whole of the government of Scotland and I have problems and these are the problems that I have , then we get to the wee man from who says now wait a minute boys I get the rubbish that you send out , that was the message and let's make it funny but slightly aggressive let's highlight the real problems because that 's what it 's about , we 're not here for a nice night we 're here to learn
8 Oh you told them this the other day when we were there !
9 For certain self-aware people , however , this is not possible : to imagine themselves being themselves , living their own real , authentic , or genuine life , has for them all the aspects of a hallucination .
10 Above all , show them that you care and will give them all the support and help you can — even if they are in trouble with the law
11 Basically , it was a late surviving example of 19th century employers ' attitudes towards their staff : checking up on them all the time or they 'd have their hands in the till , It was straight out of H.G. Wells ' Mr Kipps .
12 All their eyes were turned on Rose but she , with just a glance at Moran , took up the Second Mystery as if she had been saying it with them all the nights of their lives .
13 But their attitude remains the same — ‘ Well we treat them all the same whether they are Asian or English ’ .
14 That is the fundamental policy of all social services — ‘ We treat them all the same .
15 We had to push them all the time , all the time .
16 ‘ We are not for having any man turn sceptic , and disbelieve his senses ; on the contrary we give them all the stress and assurance imaginable ; nor are there any principles more opposite to scepticism , than those we have laid down . ’
17 Wears them all the time , even when she 's out digging .
18 The round mahogany table , friend of my childhood , under whose shelter I had lain and read ; whose clawed brass feet I had cleaned every Saturday morning when young , and then later , admiring them all the time — never having seen any other claws as fine or as lifelike as these .
19 ‘ What , you mean you hear them all the time ?
20 Still , I 'll vote for them all the same , it 's the devil I know and I know them both .
21 ‘ We attacked them , attacked them , attacked them all the way up that straight and round that bend but they kept pounding more and more on and they held us , ’ said Probert .
22 ‘ We say we ca n't keep an eye on them all the time , but the girls are under strict control . ’
23 Yet Neil Kinnock nearly took them all the way .
24 Bossard was sentenced to 21 years ' imprisonment and once again it seems that the Russians were willing to sacrifice an agent , probably because Bossard had given them all the details he could of the American rocket-guidance systems , in order to enhance the credibility of Top Hat so that he could continue peddling disinformation .
25 It must be remembered , too , that plants which contain medicinally active substances often do not contain them all the time in all their parts .
26 Ultimately I took to wearing them all the time — only whipping them off when approached by a boy I vaguely fancied or at the doorway of the house of a friend of my mother 's , with a boy my mother fancied for me inside .
27 Of course the main thing about the shoes was that I had to wear them all the time .
28 The coffin had to have an extra lining and the lid was screwed down earlier than it might have been , so that nobody could look on them dead , except the undertaker who came to the house and wore a mask and Liam who insisted on being with them all the time .
29 And just to show the Brownies he really was their friend , Farmer Bolsover sent along to the barn for them all the apples Penny had shaken from the tree she had climbed in his orchard !
30 Certainly you did not quarrel with them all the time .
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