Example sentences of "them [to-vb] down " in BNC.

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1 Everything urged them to go down , yet they were continuing upwards .
2 The old Frenchman motioned for them to sit down and continue with their meal as he opened a cupboard and took out a bottle and two glasses .
3 The Americans expected it and so it prepared them to sit down quietly and listen to speech .
4 They say they are looking forward to seeing him soon , and that he will be safely with them to sit down at the table and enjoy the feast of the next Thanksgiving dinner .
5 Walking with his gauche , bouncy tread , his shoulders hunched , Nicola 's husband led Blanche and Dexter down the steps into the kitchen and gestured for them to sit down round the kitchen table .
6 The boatman cursed , telling them to sit down and keep still , and then , puffing and sweating , he pulled his craft out midstream through the flocks of swans who arched their wings in protest as if they owned the river .
7 When we finally left the school the return journey home was even worse than the journey to school with pupils being cheeky when you told them to sit down and face the front .
8 But if we get them to sit down and actually do the cycle you know , so they do it
9 The teacher had discussed a topic with the children , and then encouraged them to write down sentences constructed from words used in their own speech .
10 The easiest way I have found to assess the strength of this group of goals is to give individuals a single sheet of paper and to ask them to write down in five minutes what they hope to achieve in the next five years .
11 Right , well I I part of me says , the the there are two aspects , the other side of the coin a little bit , if we talk about recording achievement and not recording failure , we here have an opportunity to point out to youngsters , encourage youngsters in that they are all capable of achieving in some way and to get them to write down that they have achieved , that 's the other side of the coin .
12 ‘ If we get them to write down their names and where they 're staying , they might as well go back to their hotels .
13 Both carry notebooks with them to jot down ideas for sketches .
14 Well , er the C B I and other bodies are pressing for them to come down at once , er John Major has said it 's only a question of time .
15 We 're told it 's a very close thing , the decision not to participate erm and there were certain technical and theoretical reasons , I think , that led them to come down on the side of not .
16 The tops of the tall trees in the garden of Buckingham Palace thrashed as the heavy Wessex helicopter passed over them to set down .
17 The adventurers might have to find some information in Castle Drachenfels to enable them to track down the location of Ghal-Maraz , or they might have to ensure that the Great Enchanter remains safely dead and does n't enter the fray .
18 Speakers at the conference also criticized the Department of the Environment for not providing local authorities with funds to enable them to track down offenders .
19 How did they expect them to talk down there ?
20 Again it took a little while for them to calm down and when they had , Bartlemas , with mock solemnity , handed the envelope to Jacqui .
21 They were all larking about but when Mr Leyland asked them to calm down Howe turned violent .
22 You can successfully use plants in all situations , allowing them to grow down and up the slope and trail over pergolas , trellis and fences .
23 The volume of consumption should be adjusted by altering taxes and social insurance contributions , raising them to dampen down a boom and cutting them at the beginning of a depression .
24 It seems never to occur to them to put down next anything other than what a reader wants next to know .
25 Almost every major city in Britain has a police force armed with plastic bullets , CS gas and live firearms , and trained to use them to put down disturbances .
26 When they were long enough , he intended to curl them and allow them to extend down at the sides of his mouth .
27 ‘ By ending the brutal acts that would turn the whites against you and encourage them to clamp down harder . ’
28 I suppose that 'd be to stop folks like Vern — like me and Vern — using them to doss down in .
29 He urged them to keep down .
30 Erm is one they 've been in a very similar position to in so much as competition 's forced them to cost down dramatically I mean
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