Example sentences of "said [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Institution of Environmental Health under-secretary , Linda Alan , said that the document was not strong enough , adding : ‘ It leaves so much open to interpretation . ’
2 She said that the aim of the directive was to harmonise the hygiene practices of all the member states , and it was up to each country to interpret the directive .
3 Then one lady wrote and said that the ladies of the local church should do it for us .
4 I have also heard it said that the lemon reduced the foam to manageable proportions , but why would anyone want to flatten a naturally sparkling drink ?
5 Freud himself said that the poets , not he , discovered the unconscious .
6 Afghan and diplomatic sources said that the Soviets would provide 2,000 more trucks and fuel tankers , but General Hakim admitted that the real problem will be fuel , which is already in short supply in Kabul .
7 Mr Rooker said that the 20 letters resulted in only seven men receiving financial help .
8 Fred Smithies , union general secretary , said that the redistribution of resources would result from budgets being calculated according to total pupil numbers instead of classes taught .
9 Jerry Pearlman , Zenith Electronic 's chairman , said that the net proceeds — about $22m after taxes and expenses — would be used to boost investment in lucrative consumer areas , such as high definition television .
10 He also said that the Prince and Princess of Wales would not make a planned visit to China in November ‘ so long as those responsible for the atrocities over the past weekend remain in control of the Chinese government ’ .
11 Senior Chinese officials have blamed the damage to Hong Kong 's confidence variously on Hong Kong people themselves , for daring to demonstrate ; and on the British , an astonishing claim which was made by China 's principal representative in Hongkong , Xu Jiatun , the director of the New China News Agency , who said that the responsibility for restoring confidence in Hong Kong rested with London .
12 He also said that the Soviet Union was ready to supply any sophisticated weapons that the Afghan regime wanted .
13 Dr Runcie said that the great point of the meeting would be in its ripple effect and symbolic effect all round the world .
14 He tries to concern us with the problem of liberals : ‘ When I trained , ’ says Gumede , an ANC guerrilla , ‘ they said that the liberal was more dangerous than the enemy . ’
15 Experts said that the $20 , $50 , and $100 bills , which had been copied on a Canon Colour Laser , were virtually indistinguishable from the real thing .
16 The company said that the first six months of the year ‘ have seen more new business than during any previous period ’ .
17 City analysts said that the full year should see a profit of £19.5m , to give 43.5p of earnings and a 14 per cent discount to the market .
18 But sources at Touche Ross said that the loss of revenue to Deloitte UK as a result of a cessation of referred work from the international organisation could be up to as much as ‘ tens of millions of dollars ’ .
19 One said that the US firm of Deloitte has a ‘ wonderful client list which will now be served from here ’ .
20 Stock market sources said that the Hoare Govett buying dried up after about 60 million Ferranti shares had been traded , at which point Smith New Court stepped in and remained an aggressive buyer at 56p until the close .
21 MR JUSTICE HIRST said that the criteria in determining whether an overseas company had established a place of business in Great Britain were summarised in Palmers ' Company Law , 24th edn ( 1987 ) page 1658 .
22 Government officials in Bonn said that the Soviet Union had played a key role in obtaining the agreement under which the thousands who had taken refuge in the Prague and Warsaw embassies were taken to the West at the weekend .
23 Caroline Gordon , who has set up Beaver Recruitment Brokers with Joan Tannian , said that the market was flooded with recruitment agencies which created confusion among companies with positions to fill .
24 The Department of Employment said that the licence she wanted did not exist .
25 Mr Gough said that the merger discussions had been completed in just three weeks .
26 Both Mr Gough and Mr Bullock said that the two firms had proved surprisingly compatible .
27 They said that the computer models used to support the ice theory were ‘ fabricated ’ .
28 The new row follows talks last week at which Mr Clarke said that the ‘ firm ’ drug budgets to be given to regional health authorities and family practitioner committees would not operate , as the BMA feared , as cash limits .
29 Managing director David Miller said that the ID interests could tie in nicely with the photo-booth business .
30 Barclays Bank said that the market was ‘ static and may even worsen .
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