Example sentences of "said [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fokine said that every ‘ phrase of his dance was a gesture ’ , and explained : ‘ Undoubtedly an arabesque has many meanings but only when it appears as an idealised gesture .
2 The Doctor who came to see the poor Doc ( a psychoanalyst and neurological specialist ) said that every neurotic case went back to the childish fear of the father .
3 Leonard Bernstein once said that every Koussevitsky concert was ‘ a gala occasion ’ .
4 He said that every weekend until recently there had been at least three incursions , most of which he had intercepted .
5 The 1988 Act said that every child was entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum , contributing to their moral , spiritual , mental and physical development .
6 They said that every year at the end of winter the cows are so thin and weak that diseases spread and wipe them out like flies .
7 The law said that every first-born male should be consecrated to God .
8 They said that every action of life showed on the face , in the expression .
9 A moment ago , the Home Secretary said that every applicant for asylum would have the right of appeal to a tribunal .
10 A moment ago , the Home Secretary said that every applicant for asylum would have the right to go to an appeal tribunal , and his hon. Friend the Member for Lancaster ( Dame E. Kellett-Bowman ) rightly picked him up on the point .
11 ‘ He said that every time he returned to the kidnappers to present an offer worked out after lengthy discussions with the family , claiming that this was the absolute maximum the Milettis could afford to pay , the gang accused him of lying .
12 In the wake of the MacCabe affair in 1981 , an editorial in the Times Higher Education Supplement said that a fissiparous discipline such as English had a number of hard choices in front of it : it could become even more pluralistic and diffuse , with accompanying pedagogic problems ; it could repressively impose one favoured approach ; or it could split .
13 Robin Cook , a member of the national executive and the health spokesman , said that a Labour government which sought to force its programme on an unwilling nation would be unsocialist .
14 At a meeting of the Party 's Central Committee yesterday , a Politburo member , Leszek Miller , said that a nationwide plebiscite also showed that more than half of the Party 's two million members agreed that ‘ the present form of the party is outdated and can not face the new conditions ’ .
15 He said that a minority of companies demonstrated a reckless disregard for safety , and some intentionally put profit before safety .
16 However , Mr Palmer said that a constant video of cars passing over the Severn Bridge at the time , showed no Renault 25 .
17 Speaking to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday , Mr Baker said that a rouble convertible with other currencies was ‘ necessary ’ to generate market competition within the Soviet Union and to integrate the country 's economy with that of the rest of the world .
18 Mr Shaw said that a jury 's task in awarding damages would be very difficult : ‘ It is probably a unique case , with a unique plaintiff , whom they probably felt should n't be made to suffer any more .
19 Mr Mirando said that a government council had already overturned a law protecting diplomatic service personnel from dismissal .
20 Andy Oatley , chairman of the association , said that a court hearing would be a ‘ watershed ’ for small egg producers .
21 He said that a number of vice-chancellors see the fees scheme as a way of getting the Government off the universities ' backs , giving them freedom from detailed control .
22 THE LATE Jock Stein laid down a strategy for the World Cup when he said that a team could wear working clothes to qualify , but needed to find evening dress for the event itself .
23 If the girls do not appear to have an even average awareness of culture — a friend said that a couple of years ago Zsuzsa had never heard of
24 It was a Christian Democrat Chancellor of the Federal Republic ( Kurt Georg Kiesinger ) who said that a reunified Germany would be ‘ a critical mass ’ .
25 Mr Tom Crosby , London chief ambulance officer , said that a ‘ safe and reliable service ’ could not be run in the capital under restrictions operated by crews .
26 The minister , Mr Kobie Coetsee , said that a prosecution would be brought against the former security branch policeman on death row , Almond Nofomela , for the police murder of the civil rights lawyer , Griffiths Mxenge .
27 A military spokesman said that a batch of 120 had been put on a ship to return to their units in Cagayan de Oro on the southern island of Mindanao .
28 It said that a strike would be damaging to the company and to its staff .
29 Mr Jonathon Porritt , director of FOE , said that a typical nuclear plant created 230,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year once construction of the plant and mining and enriching of uranium were taken into account .
30 David showed prudence in doing the things committed to him by Saul ; Job exemplified simplicity ( in the good sense ) for it was said of him that he was a simple man ; Solomon , in Proverbs , highlighted patience , where he said that a prince is made mellow by patience .
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