Example sentences of "said [conj] did " in BNC.

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1 As always , he seemed to be apologizing for everything he said or did .
2 The result was a record based on events rather than on reason : things people said or did on particular historical occasions and in particular circumstances .
3 Poor old man , she thought , having by now recovered from the shock of his appearance ; he was so ill that one could n't mind what he said or did .
4 If you will need to relate what someone said or did take time beforehand to remember it clearly and note it down .
5 Whatever the police said or did , decided Meryl , she was going to resign her post at the District .
6 I know that I had no intention of stopping the procedure , whatever anyone said or did to influence me .
7 And when he said that he could n't agree with me , but please , please could n't we let the matter drop since nothing we said or did could alter the course of events , I was enraged because it seemed to me that this really was his attitude , he wanted a quiet life , not to be involved .
8 When Marsh was dumped it did not concern him that as Australian captain anything he said or did might be misconstrued or magnified many times over .
9 Thus Graham Leonard , a prominent English Anglican high church bishop , arguing against the ordination of women : ‘ The Lord of the Gospels whom I know , love and seek to obey is not one who was socially conditioned in what he said or did . ’
10 No-one said or did anything out of the ordinary , but still guilt made her jump when the nurse came in with lunch .
11 My guilty passion made me admire her in everything she said or did .
12 Even if mothers-in-law made every effort to be scrupulously careful in what they said or did , they worried that the children still saw them simply as interfering busybodies .
13 Right up to this minute you were unshakeable in your innocence , no matter what I said or did .
14 The rest of the group hardly moved as if absorbed in everything the coroner said or did .
15 ‘ You said that did n't belong to your family . ’
16 I was never much use at school work , but he said that did n't matter , what was important was finding something and doing it so that you became good at it , better than the others , and that made you a person , gave you something they did n't have .
17 But the Transport Minister , who today tried his hand as driving the new train , said that did n't mean the route was under threat of closure .
18 While welcoming the news of the developments in Lancashire , shop stewards at the Albion axle works in Glasgow said that did not alter the position at their factory , where there was little likelihood of a similar buy-out .
19 I see you did n't say that did ya ? , you never said that did ya ? eh , eh , eh , no
20 He said nor did he , but sometimes one had to raise 'em to lay 'em . ’
21 If the waiters were curious about the room being in darkness they neither said nor did anything which indicated it ; they had been in the hotel business for far too many years now to be surprised by the antics or activities of the guests .
22 People with power and authority who did n't like the things that Jesus said and did , and who tried to threaten him or get him beaten up .
23 Yet there was no discussion of whether the listeners wanted to hear so much about regional and area commissioners and MPs : few politicians ever questioned the assumption that what they said and did should form the basis of daily news .
24 She said many a wicked word , and many a cruel word ; she knew no virtue or goodness , she desired all wickedness ; like as the spirits tempted her to say and do , so she said and did ’ .
25 Nor can we know what Jesus was like , what he said and did by consulting the secular historians of the time .
26 She began to tremble , but although he must surely have known that she was not enjoying what he was doing , he said and did nothing to reassure her , nor gave her any sign of love or affection .
27 ‘ Robert , Lili , ’ he said and did n't enquire as to my identity .
28 To determine the nature of the contract one must find the intention of the parties as shown by what they said and did .
29 ‘ Do you think to wipe out what you said and did , and ten years ’ loneliness , so easily ?
30 ‘ Everything you said and did made me think you were a very experienced woman . ’
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