Example sentences of "when they [be] " in BNC.

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1 Drugs often make people feel they 're coping , when they 're really not coping at all .
2 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
3 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
4 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
5 They 're born , they grow old , and they die like us ; and when they 're old , they can turn foolish , and even when they 're young , they can deceive you , and they 're actually capable of telling lies , pretending to be what they are n't : to be sick when they 're healthy , and healthy when they 're sick . ’
6 A few players do n't even know what is the capital of France when they 're in Paris playing the French Open .
7 ‘ CO&sub2 ; extract hops are expensive but they do give a good hop nose when they 're added in the conditioning tank .
8 If their work is seasonal , do n't forget to change them back to a standard adult food ( so-called ‘ maintenance food ’ ) when they 're not working .
9 If you take the overnight train across the country beware of public holidays when they 're very crowded .
10 The best hoods are shaped so that when they 're pulled in there 's less material to bunch up which means a closer and more comfortable fit around your head .
11 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
12 When they 're young most people look naturally to their own selfish ambitions .
13 Everyone seems in a real hurry , even when they 're looking through books .
14 They come in twos when they 're out for trouble .
15 And I 'd rather they did something about the service instead of advertising that they 're getting there when they 're patently not . ’
16 I had a friend who had one of those ancient slide machines which was used to give light shows , and you could make the slides out of coloured oils and inks and put them together between two sheets of glass and when they 're heated up inside the machine , they went , splat , splat , and made these rather beautiful moving colours .
17 That awful thing that so many groups get themselves involved in , when they 're on a plane and they do a gig and they do n't even know what city they 're in , he 'd manage to avoid .
18 I pay attention to their excuses when they 're playing golf or fishing .
19 ‘ Sweet and juicy when they 're at perfection .
20 At home I continually treat my dogs in a way which will encourage them to behave properly when they 're PAT dogging . ’
21 But the adults seem to be able to seek out their favourite plants even when they 're kept in the greenhouse ( or in my bathroom ) .
22 It 's a very nice letter , but it does n't tell me anything : ‘ Healthy people are like healthy animals , they eat when they 're hungry , and they do not agonise over every meal . ’
23 And also you 've got to remember that it might be OK for Jamaican or West Indian or African women to be bigger when they 're older , but most of them were slim when they were young .
24 But who wants their mum to dress them when they 're eighteen !
25 ‘ But it 's a lot easier to handle fire-fighters when they 're busy , ’ continues Haig .
26 When they 're given a chance to do what they joined the fire brigade for . ’
27 Parents : Help when they 're put to the test Maggie Drummond offers hints on helping children knuckle down at exam time
28 If they were good , you would say it 's good for our art-form , but when they 're not and they take our money , that makes me mad . ’
29 ‘ They need sleep when they 're growing , Vic . ’
30 It 's like poetry , Tom Rigby says , when they 're working well .
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