Example sentences of "when i [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 He recalls , ‘ When I was sentenced I thought I 'd be killed straight away .
2 I remember feeling really happy when I was told I had at least six or seven years to live .
3 When I was twelve I was obsessed .
4 Again , there were difficulties with Equity when I was selected and the whole thing had to go to arbitration because the company stood out for the casting it wanted .
5 We had next to none when I was at drama school and young actors need to know more about what will be expected of them on film sets and television studios .
6 However , as you know , most of my savings had vanished while I was unemployed and when I was offered a very nice flat near the school , the financial advantages of making that my single home base seemed overwhelming .
7 One memory stands out — the sound of a child crying which I heard when I was walking past some flats .
8 If you remember , I 'd had trouble enough when I was fifty convincing people to take me on and now at fifty-nine or sixty there were hardly any employment opportunities left open to me .
9 However , to say that events that happened when I was in my late twenties somehow predisposed me to homelessness would be absolute nonsense .
10 This distrust of the social scientist is so deeply ingrained that when I was reading anthropology as an undergraduate and I was asked by my colleagues what subject I was reading , I knew that I would have to prevaricate or face problems .
11 Indeed when I was at the police college in 1987 and Jones was on the Senior Command Course prior to taking up a position as assistant chief constable , I took a straw poll among my immediate colleagues to see what influence such books achieve .
12 Later , when I was a city detective in the early 1960s , we again used clothing to mark off our separation and dirty , ragged tramps shuffling off to shelter in rubble-filled dens under the Tyne Bridge would become a referent to our despised neighbours : ‘ look [ we would point ] there 's a Gateshead detective hurrying off on the scent …
13 On another occasion when I was involved in the tense process of bringing prisoners into the charge room in the central bridewell in Newcastle , a very precise ex-detective colleague ( by then a neat , uniformed chief inspector ) stopped me to exclaim on my appearance .
14 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
15 When I was one and twenty ,
16 She gave us parties and disapproved of me teaching : Jennifer darling , surely you can get a job in a nice private girls ' school But when I was 14 and had awful tonsillitis she brought me lemon and honey and sat on the edge of the pillow holding my damp hand .
17 When I was told that I 'd have to share a kitchen and bathroom with strangers I could n't help thinking how this would astound the people at home , how they would snort with laughter at the idea that this could really happen in England , mother of civilization .
18 In one week I listened to the English boy singing the praises of my dark colouring and frizzy hair , felt him kiss me on the cheek with obvious pleasure whenever I cooked a meal and when I came in from work , or when we sat watching television together , and found him waiting for me at the end of the road when I was late back for some reason .
19 When I was fourteen months old my mother was arrested .
20 When I was five years old , my father was arrested .
21 I remember well , during the air-raids of the forties when I was in London and we waited as darkness came for the first sirens and the deep breath to get one 's courage up , that we felt we were part of the will of the capital of England .
22 My dad took me to watch Newcastle when I was about 10 but I could n't see because of all the people standing in front of me .
23 I 've forgotten when I was last there .
24 When I was a kid our family was constantly moving , between the UK , Cyprus and Singapore .
25 ‘ My father retired when I was 10 years old and I started in 1980 . ’
26 When I was a junior doctor in hospitals in the late 1920s , I had under my care a doctor , then over 60 , who told me that when he was young in London , he knew of a doctor 's plate which conveyed this message to prospective patients : Medicine and advice fourpence , superior ditto sixpence .
27 When I was a player , I 'd go into his office and we 'd talk contract for five minutes about other things for 30 minutes . ’
28 When I was injured in the first match with Portsmouth at Fratton Park I did n't expect to be playing again in a fortnight .
29 As a writing partner he had two rare gifts : the ability to get us unstuck with some inspired off-the-wall conceit when I was enmeshed in very on-the-wall musings ; and in addition , the priceless talent of knowing whether something was funny or not .
30 When I was sacked the workers stopped work — they did n't have a bloody ballot . ’
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