Example sentences of "do not go " in BNC.

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1 We 'd get to one poem four or five days into the war , or after The Belgrano or Sir Galahad , and then you have ‘ Lie Still ’ … which is sombre , like a tribute , and then the others , like ‘ Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ’ , which started off as a camp throwaway as a tango ; but the poems put together with an orchestra gives them much more depth . ’
2 Do Not Go On Or Near The Track ’ .
3 Maybe fire is the opposite principle to light , and comes to the use of those who do not go the way of light .
4 Do not go out on the streets , he begged his compatriots — instead , put a lighted candle in the window for reform .
5 Philip Healey , Acquisitions Monthly editor , said UK companies do not go for smaller acquisitions out of choice .
6 However , believing that the reforms do not go far enough , and backed by the National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) and The Independent , he is still pursuing the campaign to the European courts .
7 You do not go out after a dragon with hounds and huntsmen ; nor with gangs of labourers to dig pits and set fires and lay traps .
8 The status of women has several aspects which themselves do not go simple together .
9 It said ‘ do not go on the grass ’ , translated literally from the Norwegian — somehow the story does n't work so well in English .
10 • When you feel tired in the evening , do not go to bed yet — find something interesting to do : an evening stroll , for example or a visit to friends .
11 After dropping their weapons off — the RMP do not go armed into the Soviet Sector — with the Checkpoint Duty NCO , they arrive at the accident shortly after a Volkspolizei ( People 's Police ) patrol has turned up .
12 Mrs Thatcher said that pay review bodies were only ‘ given to those who do not go on strike , like the nurses ’ , and that some ‘ militant ’ ambulancemen wanted to withdraw the emergency service across the country to force through their pay claim .
13 Having boasted at length of his near-photographic memory and profound passion for poetry , he ends his book by saying ‘ I shall follow the advice of W.B. Yeats : ‘ Do not go gentle into that good night/Old age should burn and rage at close of day . '
14 They cite Germany 's Abitur , where school-leavers are graded in eight subjects , and where their grading wins them entry into an apprenticeship if they do not go to university .
15 Not long ago European companies could issue paper on the strength of their names alone ; domestic investors would buy , believing that famous companies do not go bust .
16 I want to submit that it means that we do not go to the world with a watertight message which demands ‘ take it or leave it ’ .
17 Do not go into cafés , browse in cake shops , linger over the chocolate counter , or bake a batch of biscuits .
18 Decide on the time off the diet , plan proper balanced meals with the odd luxury for this period , and do not go wild and regain your lost weight .
19 His phone calls do not go unanswered , and because few councillors or officials will decline to speak to him he has a disproportionately influential voice on questions like the route of a planned by-pass .
20 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
21 ‘ I have been training , and I do not go to the London marathon for sightseeing .
22 They do not go up hills or through mountains .
23 Males do not go on to construct further nests as polygynous weavers of more productive lands do .
24 ‘ We are not a national daily ; we do not go in for moral crusades . ’
25 1 long hook on a stick ( to retrieve children 's toys , balls , etc. , which roll way beyond red cordon which says DO NOT GO BEYOND THIS RED CORDON )
26 With the exception of the astronauts who visited the Moon , space travellers do not go beyond low-Earth orbit , where even the attenuated magnetic field and atmosphere provide some protection from radiation .
27 All these three new developments are in the direction which this book advocates , but they do not go nearly far enough .
28 I feel you should pick and choose your events carefully , do not run each weekend and if it is hard do not go too fast .
29 They do not go there directly .
30 But do not go too far .
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