Example sentences of "out at the " in BNC.

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1 This works out at the equivalent of just £10 per day .
2 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
3 ‘ I am afraid I took pains to look out at the other side so as not to see him , ’ she had said .
4 Many gliding clubs use multi-drum winches so that several cables are pulled out at the same time .
5 He got up in his night-shirt and looked incredulously out at the twigs of the stately chestnut tree in front of the castle .
6 Is he out at the back ? ’
7 She stuck her tongue out at the television .
8 Nobody listens but instead they stare out at the countryside , the classic English landscape .
9 When he stopped his work for tea , the prying landlady being out at the shops , he would try to arrange to meet her , either in the house or at the British Museum if she were going near the West End that day .
10 There were opportunities to flirt with other passengers , moments when young American women returning from a long tour left mothers and aunts below deck , and , standing a few feet away from Edward , they stared out at the Atlantic .
11 Fine cuts are more effective than heavy ones which tend to break out at the far corner .
12 A disadvantage of budget schemes is that if your fuel consumption is underestimated , you may have a large sum to pay out at the end of the year .
13 He is the odd man out at the ball , he only wants one kiss , but it always eludes him . ’
14 The remark popped out at the end of an extended tour of Nicholson 's pubs .
15 We all see with one pair of eyes , Raskolnikov 's , when the visual field narrows upon the back of an old woman 's head , her hair ‘ thick with grease , twisted into a rat's-tail plait and gathered up under what was left of a broken horn comb which stuck out at the nape of her neck ’ .
16 Late on , County replaced the striker Gary McDonald with Mark Howard , who might have scored from his first kick , shooting wide five yards out at the far post .
17 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
18 At Stourbridge Town Hall in the West Midlands last night , where Botham began his tour , those who came instead of a night out at the pictures were somewhat surprised to find themselves treated to a night out at the pictures .
19 The Chinese lashed out at the Nobel Prize Committee for meddling in China 's affairs and ‘ hurting the Chinese people 's feelings ’ .
20 In any case , rescinding the deal will be very hard and was virtually ruled out at the annual meeting by Christopher Sharples , the AFBD 's chairman .
21 A leaflet headed The Case for Charging Full Cost Fees , with the sub-heading Why this is felt to be necessary , has been dished out at the party political conferences .
22 The orchard thinned out at the top of the slope where we had started to dig our slit trenches .
23 The fact that the government thought it vital to supplement the economic incentives of NEP by a new Agrarian Code , brought out at the end of 1922 , showed how far the Famine had altered previous calculations .
24 I buy a harmonium — nearly an organ — and spend the rest of my life playing it , thickened with doleful dirges , vainly trying to lay the trauma , my only satisfaction the ashen faced , staring eyed audiences staggering out at the end of performances , primed , and ready to carry on the good work .
25 As Mandy Merck points out at the beginning of an acute and informative summary , in recent times the theory of sexual difference has exerted a profound influence on psychoanalytically inspired cultural analysis ( ‘ Difference and its Discontents ’ , 2 ) .
26 The Chicago discussions were attended by fifty-one countries , many of which were still under German or Japanese occupation , so the proceedings were dominated by the USA , Britain , and the Commonwealth ( the USSR backed out at the last minute ) .
27 It was not just that they helped out at the occasional by-election , but that they ‘ pointed to new sources of support whose eventual accommodation , and to new issues whose eventual resolution , would ultimately modify the party itself and help equip it for the challenges of post-war politics ’ .
28 He was standing at the open window in his pyjamas , the shotgun in his hand , staring out at the front field where the black splash of a jackdaw lay on the white ground beneath the ash tree .
29 The match organiser had a 2 lb chub first cast and continued with steak under his 5AAA waggler four rod lengths out at the top of the road stretch .
30 Nathan moodily poked the bed , hiked down to the window and stared out at the night , then came back and sat on a seat in no-man 's land .
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