Example sentences of "out to her " in BNC.

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1 He reached out to her but she did not move into the offered harbour of his arms .
2 She took the punishments meted out to her without a murmur .
3 I hold it out to her so she can take lOp , and she takes the lot .
4 What called out to her was surely what she felt to be Pollock 's destiny as an artist .
5 In six letters from Swindon Edward poured out to her his hopes , his feelings , and his frustrations , and sent poems addressed to her .
6 He only opened out to her slowly .
7 She took the cup Lee held out to her in her knobbly hands .
8 He sold out to her ?
9 Your heart would go out to her , Wilson , if you were to see how she struggles to be her old self but is exhausted after a mere ten minutes of conversation , and then she is obliged to fall back and take no more part in it though wishing to do so .
10 If it was being pointed out to her that she had been born to a life of political responsibility and not simply pleasure by one member of the powerful and able house of Guise in France , the message was being reinforced from Scotland by another : her mother , Mary of Guise .
11 But on the picket line Bob Busby had pointed out to her that the Shadow Scheme was official University business and that she would be strike-breaking if she kept her appointment .
12 The islands had been pointed out to her , Capri and Procida and the ghost of an outline of Ischia .
13 This was shouted so loudly that passers-by reacted and Bernie put his hand out to her .
14 Christine , who had gained the Brownie Highway Badge , was an excellent writer and reader , and she felt rather grown-up as she wrote out notes for Miss Miggs or carefully read out to her a letter from her nephew .
15 Chuck saw her coming , and called out to her , but she was too far away to distinguish what he said .
16 Her heart was in her mouth , and she dreaded hearing a shrill witch 's voice cry out to her to stop .
17 Suddenly Angela , who was gazing at the red mack her mummy was holding out to her , gave a gasp .
18 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
19 The shaking hand he held out to her felt as dry and brittle as rice-paper .
20 He held the shilling out to her .
21 ‘ He 's a lovely little ride , that one , ’ Dennis called out to her as they rode along in the string .
22 He went into the kitchen , made the hot chocolate and brought it out to her .
23 His right hand dropped the billhook and he held it out to her , shaking , palm upward , and looked at her beseechingly , like a child .
24 She expects her son-in-law to be just the same kind of husband and father , with all the same values and priorities , and finds it difficult to accept him as a man with a different set of strengths and weaknesses , however happy he makes her daughter , and this may need to be pointed out to her .
25 Sylvia found it strange that her mother had never connected the incident with her daughter 's later distress at being in closed-in places , but I pointed out to her that the awareness of the link between early incidents and later emotional problems was a comparatively recent phenomenon .
26 The old woman reaches out to her , but the child turns and runs for the sanctuary of her mother 's arms .
27 A sailor nearby — he was pushing people into the hold as if he was packing meat — called out to her .
28 For two days after their conversation Ruth did not see the woman , and then on the third day a man leaned over from the upper deck and called out to her .
29 The moment she set foot in the house , Cook called out to her .
30 She passed the cobbler 's shop where Paccy Moore and his sister Bee waved out to her .
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