Example sentences of "out by the " in BNC.

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1 This sort of copy is at the same time description and interpretation , the salient points being brought out by the copyist , who gains greater understanding of a masterpiece by his work .
2 ‘ Going out by the gun-room window , ’ said Thomas , ‘ which master announced to all of them was faulty , and that was why Rover slept there . ’
3 If the police are to continue to exercise control over an increasingly pluralist society , which is better educated and less willing simply to accept any version of events handed out by the powerful , then it seems essential they should avoid scrutiny yet suggest they are totally accountable to the democratic ideal .
4 They went on to suggest that where complex insider activities are being carried out in a sub-language designed to exclude the uninformed , the best ethnography would probably be carried out by the insider/ethnographer .
5 But one grey-haired uplander disappeared into a hole below a boulder and was pulled out by the hair and carried back towards Keltney on a stretcher of cut branches .
6 Over at the manse the Reverend William McIvor , in a drab overcoat , let himself out by the back door and rode off to the north-east by a back path through the woods near Taymouth Castle , keeping his grey garron on a tight rein and stepping slowly so that the hoof-beats were nearly soundless .
7 Ideally this should be carried out by the timber supplier ( treated wood is described as ‘ Tanalised ’ or ‘ Celcured ’ by timber merchants and other stockists ) to ensure thorough and deep penetration of the wood .
8 This may sound utopian , but it has been borne out by the experience of existing telecottages .
9 This is certainly borne out by the World Boxing Council ratings .
10 A sober and numbing Inside Story ( BBC 1 ) , ‘ The Forgotten Holocaust ’ related how the gypsy population of Europe , like that of the Jews , was wiped out by the Nazis .
11 But sources have confirmed that this has been ruled out by the Treasury in the current round of public expenditure talks .
12 On Saturday , a deal struck by the leaders of the reformers and the People 's Democracy Platform was thrown out by the Reform Alliance 's nearly 500 members .
13 THE BRITISH teenager is happy at home and one in three do not want to leave the parental nest ever , according to a survey carried out by The Indy this week .
14 The action follows detailed investigations carried out by the board last month .
15 Peter Bassett , from Chelsea , said that the present economic difficulties bore no relation to that which pertained under the last Labour government when the country had to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund .
16 TESTS carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture on the flock of 5,000 hens owned by nuns at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery in Northamptonshire , showed that there was no danger to public health , it was claimed yesterday .
17 Mr Rawley told the court that he had received full details of the scientific tests carried out by the Ministry that morning .
18 Another trip to the Ibrox superstore beckons for McLean this afternoon , and the United manager would dearly love to sneak out by the tradesmen 's entrance after slipping the points into his travelling bag , leaving Rangers to balance the books in a highly competitive Premier Division .
19 The voice sounded faint and was soon drowned out by the rush and moan of the shells passing over .
20 The Commandos in the trench with me did not seem to be put out by the noise and the explosions caused by the Moaning Minnies ; no doubt they had heard it all before .
21 By 1908 , when he saw that his stipulation was ruled out by the failure of British immigrants and the Liberal acceleration of colonial self-government — soon to be followed by South African union — he unhesitatingly drew the correct conclusion :
22 We were not starved of new westerns in that era when great old stars were playing aged gunfighters and movie squabbled with movie on the ideological terrain laid out by the war in Vietnam .
23 Often elements of the story would be edited out by the interval .
24 For example , Cortzee shows that contemporary tales of the ‘ tariff reform millions , are not borne out by the relatively impoverished state of the Tariff Reform League , and he demonstrates that the variety of industries and economic activities which were represented in the TRL defy any attempt to produce a simple definition of its interest base .
25 Then she knew that she needed not to sneak out by the convenient back exit , but to leave through the front entrance , trusting its outrageous , ostentatious vulgarity to reassure and comfort her .
26 She forced Moran to dance and by the night 's end she was worn out by the single effort .
27 Every delegation sent out by the strikers to talk to workers at other factories consisted of two men and two women .
28 I had my ideas worked out by the time I left for the 1960–61 Tasman series , and on the 24-hour flight to New Zealand I sat with a slide rule and drew the car as a pin-jointed structure , stressed it and arrived at all the tube sizes . ’
29 That amateurism was both a code of ethics and a system of status was borne out by the fact that ‘ amateur ’ was often used in conjunction with ‘ gentleman ’ .
30 It was late ; the clock in Magdalen Tower had struck three in the morning before Lewis let Tolkien out by the little postern on Magdalen Bridge .
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