Example sentences of "one in every " in BNC.

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1 Macdonald suggests that foxes account for just one in every 15 or 20 lambs that die on Scottish hills .
2 Fewer than one child in every hundred is taken into care , yet , in London alone , at least one in every three young homeless people has a background in care .
3 THE BLACKMAILER : The biggest health hazard of them all — there is at least one in every family .
4 And escalating repression by the Nazi State — according to one calculation , roughly one in every 1,200 Germans was arrested by the Gestapo for a political or religious ‘ offence ’ in 1944 — was a heavy deterrent to any ‘ deviant ’ activity .
5 It increases from more than one in every 2,000 births where the mother is aged 20 years or less to one in 60 where the mother is over 45 years old .
6 Yes , the summer of 1913 was a sunny one in every sense of the word .
7 In recognizing the relationship between size of firm and the likelihood of failure it is important to point out that , even in recent years , the failure rate in manufacturing was approximately one in every 100 incorporated firms .
8 The cruel vengeance which Basil exacted from the thousands of prisoners taken at Kleidon — he blinded all save one in every hundred , and compelled the sighted ones to lead their blind comrades back to Prilep , where Samuilo died of shock at the piteous sight — earned him the name of Bulgaroctonos ( Slayer of the Bulgars ) .
9 As far as the institutional structure was concerned , the report called for a rationalization of the present pattern to be based on a network of centres in each region , including an important role for the colleges of education ( technical ) , particularly in developing pilot schemes for professional tutors , of whom there should be at least one in every further education college .
10 In five out of the last seven years the success rate for this type of appeal has been the first or second highest for all categories and almost one in every two appeals has been lost by local authorities .
11 Especially in maths I could n't stand the competitiveness of seeing the ‘ clever boy ’ ( there 's always one in every class ! ) do the exercises miles before everyone else and understanding things quicker than everybody which just reinforced the idea that I did n't have a ‘ mathematical brain' .
12 Yet one in every 200 people are diagnosed as having a schizophrenic illness at some point in their lives .
13 In 1563 it killed one in every five Londoners .
14 Most of its inhabitants were indeed workers , of one kind or another , including a large number of domestic servants — almost one in every five Londoners ( 1851 ) , though surprisingly a considerably smaller proportion in Paris .
15 According to the Labour Party one in every 150 engineering companies in Britain trades with Leyland Daf .
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