Example sentences of "one [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Each team had a total thirty-five handicap , so one imagined it would be an even match .
2 The typical diet of the St Joseph 's children was revealed when all but one raised their hands when asked who ate regularly at McDonald 's .
3 The head waiter , head steward , chief service attendant , whatever one called him , was a neat small Frenchman named Emil .
4 Yet whatever one called it , it was a pronounced feature of British life .
5 Perhaps in school , no one hit them first .
6 ‘ No one hit her ? ’
7 Once appointed , circuit judges can be sacked only for incapacity or misbehaviour ( one lost his job in 1984 after involvement in a smuggling racket ) , while to get rid of High Court judges or their seniors demands a joint address of both Houses of Parliament to the Queen .
8 More than one lost his head as a consequence of making what were alleged to be seditious or treacherous statements in the House of Commons .
9 Mr Browning out of the kindness of his heart and because Mr Landor I believe was once his champion when no one thought anything of him brought the old gentleman to Siena and prevailed upon Mr Story his friend to take him in .
10 Anyway , no one thought anything of it at the time . "
11 No one saw them go . ’
12 No one saw her — or , if they did , no one paid any heed to her .
13 ‘ It was a really horrible , foggy night — and no one saw her again .
14 No one saw her go — they were too busy hollering at one another to notice that she had disappeared .
15 He has n't contacted me , so I assume no one saw her .
16 No one saw her out of the house .
17 ‘ No one saw me come in here , but half Fleet Street 's going to see me leave , ’ said Quinn .
18 A few people came by but I 'd swear no one saw me .
19 ‘ No one saw me with her . ’
20 ‘ Before you continue , Sir John , ’ Fitzormonde spoke up , ‘ and you start speculating on where I was , all I can say is that I was in my own chamber but no one saw me there . ’
21 ‘ Our inquiries , ’ interposed Tallboy unwisely , ‘ at Markham Terrace have suggested that no one saw him arrive .
22 ‘ But no one saw him near the flat that afternoon .
23 And no one saw him in the street ; that little turning is almost entirely occupied by people who are out at work all day . ’
24 For an hour he lay here and no one saw him .
25 No one saw her distressed figure letting herself into her room .
26 ‘ No one saw us until today . ’
27 ‘ No one saw you , Elizabeth , ’ Tilly assured her , ‘ and no one knows how close you are . ’
28 ‘ No one saw you ? ’
29 And , seeing as no one has come forward with any information about this killing , I supposed we 're meant to think that no one saw anything . ’
30 One took me rather out of my way , before turning at last , at right angles , up the hill and home ; but it was the main road and was lit .
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