Example sentences of "up and [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Then he goes all quiet and throws some money at me and tells me to hurry up and ca n't wait to get the other boy out of the shop .
2 Notice that at so young an age he knew that ‘ the Rev. ’ was better than ‘ Rev. ’ But the book was not orthodox in divinity because father locked it up and would not let Michael 's sister read it .
3 The boy 's parents said he was determined not to give up and would appeal .
4 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
5 The costs for the US would be enormous , indeed the requirement of the French was that the US would pay the entire cost , but money and munitions could be regarded as the essential calipers which might allow the rickety infant to walk ; and as long as it had an American account it would grow up and would be able to buy everything that was needed for a new nation state .
6 His deafness cut him off from a lot of things but he never told us to speak up and would sit at family meals with a benign expression on his face while we chattered away .
7 ‘ I 'm telling you for the last time , Liz , get up and let's go home .
8 Even though I have a four-arm tension mast , this does n't help when the yarn tangles up and wo n't go through .
9 We think it is going to achieve two key improvements in the house transfer process : It will speed things up and will improve the standards of service to the customer .
10 Quorum also found 80% to 85% of its potential audience are interested simply in running off-the-shelf Mac packages of Word and Excel : this is what Quorum is currently polishing up and will be showing .
11 Quorum also found 80% to 85% of its potential audience are interested in running just off-the-shelf Mac packages of Word and Excel which is what Quorum is currently polishing up and will be showing .
12 John has devised a system of tooling for turning nests of bowls , which he presented at the Loughborough seminar and has been taken up and will be marketed in the near future .
13 Eventually , it will stop going up and will fall hack to earth .
14 Get up and will see what I can do . "
15 It has not proved possible as yet to get a Homeopathic lecturer but this is still being followed up and will be fitted into a future programme .
16 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
17 But now I think there 's a new feeling abroad that instead of trying to solve the poverty of third world countries , by providing them with aeroplanes , particularly for their armies and providing them with electricity generating plants , we should actually start at bottom ; we should start with the children , in providing medicines , in providing enough food , so that those children will grow up and will be able to fend for themselves , providing them with skills , providing them also with markets for the goods that they 'll produce .
18 Kids dig them up and can scratch themselves . ’
19 And angry young men are just older men who have n't grown up and can only see one side of the coin .
20 ‘ I ca n't get used to the idea that you 're growing up and can look after yourself .
21 To refit a wheel , the tyre is picked up and can be rotated on the pivoting platform to re-align the holes to the studs .
22 I came to realise that not even one 's mind is one 's private reserve but our thoughts are picked up and can not only be read but given to us .
23 Sleeves which are knitted straight are very easy to set up and can then be left until complete .
24 Our deductive practice needs no such justificatory shoring up and can not be revised by rational argument , hence there is no circularity in deploying it in the explanation .
25 In return for the high interest you earn , your money is tied up and can not be withdrawn easily if you need some of it in a hurry .
26 Subject : Line Up and Can Rocky cut it ?
27 Subject : Re : Line Up and Can Rocky cut it ?
28 That shut them up and should it not do the same to we miserable sinners today ?
29 Meanwhile Yorkshire 's liquidity has held up and should guarantee the county at least another seven years ' existence , time enough for the new management and its overseas players to wave their collective wands .
30 When Tony was seen in hospital by the therapist on the following morning he denied having wanted to kill himself , but claimed he was fed up and could not see any way out of his present difficulties .
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