Example sentences of "who [adv] make " in BNC.

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1 Despite this , however , he was treated with some suspicion by Parliament , who restricted his ability to raise taxes to pay for army or navy forces , so he turned to Louis XIV of France , who secretly made funds available so as to improve the failing status of the Roman Catholic Church in England , where the Church of England virtually excluded all ‘ dissenters ’ , which included Roman Catholics .
2 Edward 's manipulation of the wool trade for his financial advantage intensified the divisions between the small group of wealthy merchants who stood to benefit from Edward 's schemes and the lesser merchants who eventually made common cause with the producers in opposing the monopolistic structure that Edward tried to create .
3 Bibikov was no liberal , but neither were some of those who eventually made major contributions to the emancipation of 1861 .
4 Unlike his mother and father , who rarely make their presence felt on anything , he is not constrained by protocol .
5 Moreover , according to the prevailing values of this system , any feminist housewife who successfully made good her claim to be paid a wage for her domestic chores would be reducing her status to that of a servant .
6 I first fell in love at the cinema — with Bella Darvi , a Czech film star who only made two films , Hell and High Water with Richard Widmark and The Egyptian with Edmond Purdom .
7 Liz Frazer , who only made three ‘ Carry Ons ’ , Cabby , Cruising and Regardless , remembers most affectionately of all the Ken who was n't quite so serious .
8 It is a stunning honour for the 25-year-old Manchester United midfielder who only made his England bow six caps and nine months ago .
9 A wooden bench a short way up strewn with cigarette ends tells you something about those who only make it that far , but then the path is a long , steep ascent for anyone unused to hill-walking .
10 This month Cellnet launched its Lifetime tariff system which is aimed at the light user — the lone woman motorist or people who only make the occasional vital call .
11 For the angler who only makes a few sorties a year it makes sense to buy hooks in smaller units like packets of ten .
12 All the famous Greek philosophers were disdainful of the artisan , the man who merely made things .
13 And then there are some musicians who merely make a living .
14 As chairman of this group , I obviously have financial people , accountants , treasury people , lawyers , personnel people , property people and so on who all make part of a team .
15 Cathy Panton-Lewis led the three Scots who all made the cut .
16 Modernism is described to us with references to a neat sequence of male coteries who obviously made full use of the opportunity for dialogue and debate .
17 Ethnic Croats and Muslim Slavs , who together make up over 60 per cent of Bosnia 's population , support independence while minority Serbs have vowed to fight to retain links with Serbia , which borders Bosnia to the east .
18 First , Lord Grade sold ATV to the Australian financier Robert Holmes à Court ; second , the 49 per cent of ‘ Midlands ’ shares were bought by D C Thomson ( who thus made up for losing Southern ) , the betting company Ladbrokes and the printing and publishing interests of Robert Maxwell .
19 There are transitional thinkers — those who soon make the conceptual transition from the concrete to the more abstract form of the problem — one that is capable of being solved by a combination of multiplication and addition .
20 Request : The Liberal ex-chief was asked to write a few words for ‘ Backroom Boys ’ , a book about ‘ men who distinguish themselves without excess , folk quite happy to take a pleasingly light and unimposing approach , and yet who nevertheless make a reasonably fair showing throughout life ’ .
21 After a succession of jobs as bellhop , waiter , car-park attendant , like a bit-part actor who finally made the big time in this aquatic Hollywood , he has built a career out of surfing big waves .
22 It was Martha who finally made the decision to accept Harry 's gift .
23 and erm there was no final erm sort of er judgment to be had so erm then we had to call meetings of this little Sub Committee who finally made up their minds and I remember typing reports , quite long reports , about erm Rhode Island Reds er crossed with Light Sussex and Light Sussex crossed with er Brown and erm I , I knew precious little about poultry at that time .
24 This man who somehow made her feel so good and yet so bad , all at the same time .
25 Their rural cousins , who still make up 75% of the population , scratch a living from the soil .
26 The growth of the middle classes as industrialization became , got under way , men , more men earned their money , so instead of having two classes , the working class and the upper class who spent their lives in leisure , in idleness , you got another class of people who had to earn their living , but who still made a lot of money .
27 Later I even appealed to the Member of Parliament for South Edinburgh , then the redoubtable Sir Will Y. Darling , who always made much of his rôle as an old soldier , to use his position to find out what he could ; but he could find nothing .
28 He was that not uncommon thing , a philanthropist who always made money .
29 In the office we shall remember our as the hard working , level headed lady who always made a good job of the task in hand .
30 It is something I would certainly not agree with and neither would my wife , who always makes that page her first piece of reading when Autocar & Motor arrives .
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