Example sentences of "who [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nobody in the present cast is in the race , ’ wrote Gordon Gow , ‘ with the single exception of Walter Matthau who deadpans beautifully as the miser Vandergelder and even gets away with his preposterous volte-face in the telescoped conclusion . ’
2 The duke and his close associates saw this small office as ‘ some mean to treat those folks who Club together and are disposed to believe that I 'm incompatible wt them ’ .
3 Beside the Bishop was a tall , thin , ascetic man , wearing the black and brown garb of a Franciscan monk who Corbett immediately assumed was Father John .
4 With the ancestral bones , who months ago
5 All the trouble , says Ronnie , is down to ‘ a few families who doa n't keep their young ’ uns in order .
6 People still think a poet is a person who prances about in frilly shirts and things , and the fucking poets you see on television read like it 's a grocery list : ‘ The frog leapt over the moon , I want some cheese soon . ’
7 Skyways , set in and around an international airport , may well have been ‘ pretty dreadful ’ but it did bring Kylie into contact with a promising young actor who years later was to take centre stage in her life .
8 One of the officials with whom I had dealings was John Hampden , who years later was to become a colleague ; but although he did his best to be co-operative , it was the men who held the purse-strings that counted , and , going between the MOI and Faber 's , I could not extract from officialdom any commitment and Eliot naturally needed certain specific undertakings regarding finance before Faber 's could think of commissioning a book , which also needed the Ministry 's imprimatur .
9 ‘ Old Mel , a gipsy who years ago up on the Ridgery was nearly burned as a witch . ’
10 As a young man I listened to many yarns spun by such men as Billican Geary , Treacle Mills , and little Sparrow Martin , who had an insatiable appetite for apple pudding and who years ago as a young man dived off Rochester Bridge for a bet .
11 He was feeling critical about a number of his American missionary colleagues who weeks earlier had left their posts to obey the early warnings of the US Embassy to leave Burma .
12 Tom Conti plays Lucas Frye , a former spy , who teams up in business with a strait-laced ex-colleague Peter Duckham ( John Standing ) .
13 It is just too important a match to blood a player , who upto now has played only a handful of internationals .
14 ‘ And then he talked about how amazed you would be if you knew who Oliver really was . ’
15 I 'm sure Cottee 's opinions on the Everton midfield are mild compared with the views of other senior Everton professionals who week in , week out , see all their hard work wasted by an engine room built to power a motorboat rather than an ocean liner .
16 Sedgemore , 27 , who packs down against Maesteg in the fourth round of the Swalec Cup at the Arms Park tomorrow , works underground at Tower Colliery , Hirwaun .
17 At the frontline are the specialists — the college radio trainspotters who area really beginning to make their influence felt .
18 At the frontline are the specialists — the college radio trainspotters who area really beginning to make their influence felt .
19 There is a tragic buffoon with bald pate and flowing hair ; a short , bespectacled man entering a grey and paunchy middle age ; and Gallotta himself , who patters manically around the stage , fixing the dancers with an unfocused glare , while waving his arms and muttering instructions down a microphone .
20 Afterwards Neil Cochrane thought that he should have struck Havvie down then , but shock at learning who McAllister really was had him in its grip , and he let the shameful accusation go by .
21 But there was only one person who Lennox really wanted alongside him in this moment of victory — Violet .
22 Ralph is now all alone against Jack 's hunters , who tower above upon Castle Rock .
23 So as a result to that , there , there erm , there is going to be a public meeting on the tenth September , which is actually organised by the Labour party , erm , but obviously the who thing very worried about the attendance at that , erm the , have , had to organise it very quickly because he wants to get it in before the sixteenth , we 'll still trying to get erm a National speaker , I 'm hoping that Julie from the er , eh National Help Federation will be able to come , but she 's on holiday till Monday erm , I do n't .
24 Bubbles , who Pauline rightly describes as ‘ the ultimate multi-purpose pony ’ has won prizes for dressage and showing , is driven regularly and has produced a lovely colt foal who should make a nice working hunter pony .
25 He watched the Pfalz D VIIs coming up out of the east , with all the loathing and resignation of a slum-dweller who sea yet another street-brawl lurching his way .
26 The fight game is like no other when it comes to chasing fame and fortune , but for every Bruno or Lewis , there are hundreds , thousands of lads who glove up and take guard .
27 Parents who fork out one a year for expensive games would not have to see them abandoned in the cupboard and teenagers could have a dozen games a year at pocket money prices .
28 She said she would n't know who Niki really was .
29 There was also a mathematician there from the university who John has known for about thirty years and a young man from Rome , maybe the daughter 's boyfriend , who John also knew , as he , the young man , is the son of a scientific contact of John 's in Rome and the said Dave had sent son to John about two years ago to discuss what university course the son should do and where .
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