Example sentences of "her time and " in BNC.

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1 All her time and mind alert for him .
2 That cultural regulation , as we have seen , is controlled by men , for ( and this brings me to the third point ) , within this scheme of thought , woman herself is placed more fully within the realm of nature than man in consequence of the fact that more of her time and her body are seen to be taken up with the natural processes surrounding reproduction of the species .
3 For Dorothea suddenly saw herself as an old woman badgering a friend into giving up her time and company , and , self-sufficient as she had always been , the picture repelled her .
4 Robyn continued to give much of her time and emotional energy to the
5 All they 've got to go on is that she spent a lot of time lying on the sofa , and that 's hardly unusual for a lady in her time and circumstances .
6 There is the self-denial of the musician who devotes all her time and energy to mastering her musical instrument .
7 She gave much of her time and energy to everything in which she became involved .
8 She told Chola she 'd heard from someone in Pere that the bull was ill , and she knew she 'd be able to cure it : she 'd treated hundreds in her time and only one had ever died .
9 She knew that she would inevitably be just exchanging one set of problems for another when she moved in with her daughter and son-in-law and the grandchildren , but she had taken her time and come to the decision in her own way , and finally managed to make a very good adjustment to an entirely different life in a busy household .
10 As Tamar progressed to facing easy jumps , her riding began to occupy more and more of her time and her thoughts .
11 She began to feel that she was wasting her time and that he probably thought that she was mad .
12 Now her time and talents are required elsewhere , and we would like to say a sincere thank you , and assure her of our prayers and good wishes in the months and years that lie ahead .
13 But Nan had chosen her time and place well .
14 ‘ No , ma'am , only that she died before her time and had been a lady 's maid . ’
15 But as soon as she heard Mrs Whitfield 's voice she knew she must pay out more of her time and attention to the situation than she thought .
16 Angus reckoned that fast business expansion was absorbing all her time and energy , which was why he had decided to take things one step at a time and discuss only business over luncheon ; a business chat would avoid putting either of them in a rejecting position .
17 Extremely generous and dutiful , Winifred Holtby sacrificed much of her time and energy to her friends and family ( she later likened her life to ‘ a clear stream which has simply reflected other people 's stories and problems ’ ) .
18 She had a live-in boyfriend to whom she devoted most of her time and energy .
19 My hostess , a supporter of the Smith regime , has poured her time and strength into the care of these people .
20 She had very nearly done a cordon bleu cookery course after she had left school , only deciding at the last minute to reinvest her time and money in the boutique instead .
21 How could she say , politely , that she had better calls on her time and money than to devote either to mendicant little talents ?
22 But she 's on her time and not feeling too good .
23 I envy her her happiness — she ca n't help it shining out of her but I 'm also bitter against her for saddling me with this lot , and for changing-me from what I was : she made the young girl into a woman before her time and a bitter one at that .
24 She has recently completed the Science Foundation Course of the Open University , but has had to postpone further study in the sciences for the time being because changes in Modern Language teaching at the Sixth Form College where she works have consumed so much of her time and energy .
25 Is there a Somerville accountant living or working in London who might be able to give her time and expertise to this task ?
26 She gives so much of her time and energy to do anything and everything that comes her way and is also an invaluable link with the Education Office .
27 Our Dawn thinks she 's going just for a tea party when they to ask her to drink owt she just takes her time and drinks it .
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