Example sentences of "up [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a mutilated notes department as well that you can send really screwed up notes to .
2 Charged by Bragg with writing up notes on the case , Morton decided that they could equally well be done that night , at home .
3 what 's it here or er whatever or even pick up notes from Edinburgh people
4 A local volunteer centre or Age Concern group should be able to match up talents with projects that need them .
5 After chalking up debts of ¥500 billion ( $3.5 billion ) , Tokyo-based EIE is being rescued by five large Japanese banks .
6 Eventually Gouzenko ran up debts of $153,000 which were partly settled by the sale of his book and film rights .
7 Allison Battye 's behaviour was as unrepresentative as that of the sales engineer earning £10,000 a year who ran up debts of £141,590 and was said in St Albans Crown Court in March 1990 to have eighty-nine credit accounts ; or as that of the thirty-seven-year-old doctor from Gwent , made bankrupt in 1988 with total debts of more than £1½ million and still owing £780,000 , who used his credit card to buy £6,000 worth of furniture for his girlfriend .
8 EAST 17 star Anthony Mortimer ran up debts of more than £2,000 in a bid to get a record deal for his band .
9 A group of nuns are facing eviction from their convent after running up debts of more than a million pounds .
10 The nuns have run up debts of more than £1 million with an ambitious plan for a care village in the grounds of the convent .
11 A group of nuns are facing eviction from their convent after running up debts of more than a million pounds .
12 The nuns have run up debts of more than £1 million with an ambitious plan for a care village in the grounds of the convent .
13 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
14 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
15 Intrum Justitia — latin for ‘ Justice for All ’ — employs 1,600 people to chase up debts on the doorsteps .
16 Many will have committed sexual offences that other prisoners find abhorrent ; some will have been informers who helped the police in the hope of obtaining a shorter sentence and still others may have built up debts inside prison that they can not repay .
17 Walloping up roads with the milk wagon .
18 There 's nothing unusual about clogged up roads in London , but this was the school half-term holidays — usually a haven of relatively clear tarmac , a glorious window of opportunity to leave home for the office a quarter of an hour later .
19 When his trophy fell ungratefully to the floor it almost certainly woke up comics like Chaplin and Keaton and Morecambe while they were turning in their graves .
20 Riven was already thinking of bright hearths and warm beds as they made their way along the summits , following Bicker in single file now , their mounts ' hoofs throwing up bobbles of snow that were swept away into the air as quickly as they were kicked up .
21 For the insider such an exploration of the secular rituals and social constructs which govern police practice will hold what Myerhoff and Moore ( 1977 : 18 ) have described as ‘ the possibility that we will encounter ourselves making up conceptions of the world , society , our very selves .
22 The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 , which had placed barriers between commercial and investment banking , would be repealed in order to permit well-capitalized banks to set up affiliates in other sectors of the financial areas .
23 As an assistant you will probably gather information , draft press releases , make up media invitation lists , search out information , set up meetings with outside specialists and consultants , deliver information to the media ( here is a chance to chat and get to know some faces in the media world ) .
24 For instance , we are well-used to integrating vocational assessments in care , but for the general SVQ we have for the first time found it necessary to set up meetings with colleagues delivering modules in numeracy , information technology and budget financing .
25 Christians had been compelled to give up meetings for corporate worship , but still kept up small prayer meetings in houses .
26 Perhaps it was for the same reason that Mrs Parvis , so Gloria claimed , put crushed up egg-shells into powdered egg so that the lodgers would think they were eating something which they were n't .
27 Joseph Dods has begun setting up clubs in County Durham schools to help youngsters learn about the natural world around them .
28 The two boys then spent the rest of the day helping beaters send up birds for the guns .
29 The reader interprets this as " the echo died away " , but is aware that the sound has conjured up birds for the people .
30 You can pick up birds from a mile away .
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