Example sentences of "who have their " in BNC.

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1 We also award a Stanley tool worth £15 to runners-up who have their ideas published .
2 Politicians who have their power base in these areas , including several presidential candidates , are also implicated .
3 employees who have their own appropriate personal pension ( from July 1st 1988 ) .
4 The Franjiehs , who have their own Marada , or Giants , militia , are headed by former president Suleiman Franjieh , one of the last of the old-style Maronite warlords .
5 Colombia continues to be democratic in every way , run by civilians , not generals , who have their own part to play .
6 But her favourite design team of Peter Morrissey and Leona Edminston , who have their own small shop in Sydney 's Strand Arcade , are charged with making her fun outfits .
7 Apart from the 1 per cent who have their own private supplies , the great majority of the UK population rely upon the decisions of the water suppliers to ensure that the great bulk of the water we drink and cook with is ‘ wholesome ’ .
8 This group was started by some mothers who worked who felt that they would like to meet other working mums , who have their own additional set of problems .
9 Such personalized luxury is still available only to the gargantuanly rich who have their own yachts and jets in which to make journeys .
10 If the sound is right for a certain combination of musicians , or a certain style of music , then obviously you play better , but I do n't think there are very many people who have their sound , and go from one band to another just using that sound .
11 Main players at the moment are KPMG , who are touting the ‘ Medequate ’ system , Hay Management Consultants , who have their own ‘ Hay ’ system and the Wyatt Company .
12 The Luxembourg Institute intends to verify closely whether the auditors who have their ‘ second offices ’ in Luxembourg fulfil the condition of having an effective establishment in the sense of the professional rules .
13 The attempt to impose another culture on people who have their own , into a colourless uniformity , is a denial of the Creator and an affront to his creation .
14 Operators who have their tachograph charts analysed by an outside agency need to be careful about exactly what it is they are buying and whether it meets their requirements in protecting them from breaches of the law by their employees and agents .
15 It is a similar attitude to that of children and adolescents who have their secret understandings and life-styles which are often , quite intentionally , separate from those of parents , teachers and others of the ‘ older ’ generation .
16 And millions of customers with other banks who have their accounts processed through the same system could also be hit .
17 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
18 We also award a Stanley tool worth £15 to runners-up who have their ideas published .
19 The Profitboss does not tolerate consultant academics , people who have their heads in the clouds with the latest theories and who peddle new-fangled pseudo-scientific systems .
20 Investors have their capital tied up and at risk ; senior managers have their livings and ulcers tied up in it ; but we must not forget the men on the shop floor who have their lives and self-respect tied up in it too . ’
21 There 's a farm manager and his wife , who have their own cottage , with attached living quarters for two men .
22 Once again , Fiji are favourites to win the cup with Australia and New Zealand , who have their full squads on show , likely to be their biggest danger .
23 Owner occupiers and private tenants , local authority tenants or housing association tenants , who have their landlord 's permission , can apply .
24 Then follow prayers for the dead by both priest , and people who have their own version , that the Mass may be " mede & medecyne " to them .
25 Because of his experience , he 'd been taken further into God 's Kingdom , he 'd been given that vision into God 's Kingdom , now that 's more than just been given your eyesight , cos there 's a lot of people will see , who have their eyesight intact , but refuse to have the vision that was necessary to accept Jesus , new kingdom .
26 Ruth Grigg of the Family Planning Association , said : ‘ The temptation for women who have their Pills changed will be just not to bother with contraception at all or to use something that 's less effective . ’
27 And it is understandable when taxpayers , who have their dues deducted before they receive their wage or salary , see themselves contributing towards keeping farmers on the land .
28 Well during this programme I 'll be talking with a number of people who are involved in the industry who have their fingers on the pulse of what is commonly known as the tourist industry .
29 erm we decided from the start that erm the mums who have their kids in the creche should make some contribution towards the costs ; we 're providing them with a benefit erm but the company picks up the major part of the bill erm but in terms of the output from the additional sewing machinists that we 've got , it 's very , very cost-effective , yes .
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