Example sentences of "who have always " in BNC.

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1 For many it is a strange and difficult experience , one which people who have always lived in a nuclear family find hard to understand .
2 It is they , after all , who have always been the symbols of their culture and traditionally it is at their slightest touch that the delicate flower of Izzat can shrivel .
3 But still , the great majority of posts are held by the sort of steady chaps who have always made up the Great and Good .
4 who have always punished faults belonging to forests and parks .
5 Due , to a large extent , to the activities of the voluntary organisations , who have always been in the forefront in guiding policy on this issue , much has been achieved .
6 Those who have always believed that the war was between Maronites and the rest — the forces of the Gemayels and the Chamouns against Lebanese Muslims and Palestinians — can point to the Phalangist massacre , on 13 April 1975 , of 27 Palestinians who were travelling by bus through the Beirut suburb of Ein al-Rumaneh .
7 ’ Powerful prose , and really fitting for The Wedding Present , who have always avoided preciousness and pretence , two qualities in which The Smiths wallowed .
8 The Albanians of Yugoslavia ( not only those in Kosovo but also elsewhere , especially in Macedonia ) consider themselves to be an oppressed people , who have always been discriminated against by the Serbs , whether under the monarchy or under communist rule .
9 Some women who have always had a career only get to think about the need for closer relationships after that finishes .
10 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
11 Some elderly people who have always been very flexible like being ‘ popped in on ’ without prior warning , but most people as they grow older much prefer all the events in their lives to be regular and predictable .
12 There are racist vermin out there who have always taken whatever comfort they can from any public figure that refused to come off the fence .
13 After a period under a caretaker chairman , the board 's non-executive directors — who have always had a powerful voice within the company decided that the group needed a ‘ drastic , kill-or-cure remedy ’ under a new leader who would have the strength to develop a new strategic direction .
14 Obviously people who are merely going through a bad patch ( anxiety state ) are easier to assist in the process of change , because they have greater resources , than individuals who have always been anxious ( anxiety trait ) .
15 Mortality rates for lung cancer in those who have always smoked only cigars and pipes are significantly higher than in nonsmokers but are lower than for cigarette only smokers .
16 For I have decided to send Ad Patres the feminists who have always ruined my life .
17 And even if you did find a houngan , he most probably would n't agree to talk to you , since no one here has any sympathies for the blancs who have always exploited us . ’
18 Although there are particular occupational groups who have always been at risk , such as sewer workers , miners , farm workers and slaughterhouse workers , the working population and residents of the new London Dockland system could also be at risk .
19 For the doom-and-gloomers who have always predicted the community care reforms would lead to chaos in social services , nothing can have been more reassuring than events in the health service so far this year .
20 This will never be an easy concept for people who have always been led [ and perhaps not very well led ! ] but who are very capable of leading themselves .
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