Example sentences of "who i think " in BNC.

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1 Because I 've compromised so much on who I thought I was .
2 Even at the age of about 13 I 'd be guided only by people who I thought knew something about the game , and who were not thing to stitch me up-I was always thinking people were trying to stitch me up for some reason .
3 PRI political secretary Giorgio La Malfa claimed that he had been misled over the Cabinet posts by Andreotti " who I thought was a man of quality " .
4 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
5 That 's who I thought did well .
6 No I was just worrying that I always thought that I would never ever like come across anyone who I thought that I can even vaguely click with but I just realized that I can and it 's just quite a nice feeling .
7 That 's wha , that 's who I thought you were talking , I thought you were talking about them .
8 See it was who I thought it was .
9 Can you imagine my disappointment when I saw the sort of riff-raff that had also been invited — a distinctly dubious businessman , a scruffy rabbi who I think makes his living as a stand-up comic , a second-rate academic ?
10 There is someone — I 'm not going to say his name , but there is someone who I think … admires me . ’
11 Not if it 's who I think it is . ’
12 If it 's who I think it is I 'd like to go out there and knock his teeth down his throat .
13 I think there 's always a danger of being a bit simplistic about children who I think have a right to their own family , and that does n't just mean parents , it means grandparents , people who can talk to them about their past , the past of the family .
14 Wh who I think is a friend of Noddy 's .
15 ‘ Is it who I think it is ? ’
16 I do n't feel awkward with friends , because I only tell people who I think will understand .
17 And a gentleman who I think was Chinese had an accident with some plates whilst serving a meal , and finished up by giving me a kiss !
18 It seemed only a matter of days before I was standing astride my bike at the gates of Sonning Common , together with my good friend Richard Smith ( who I think was twice as mad as me as he did n't have to do it ! )
19 ‘ There 's a girl who works in the hospital who I think might …
20 That was actually what he said , and he did then go on to say that you know he is one of a group of people who I think they call themselves the appointments committee and that their job , where appointments are concerned , is crisis management .
21 Right I 'm gon na ask the director , who I think is going to pick up most if not all of your points , there may be the odd point he 'll pass sideways in my direction .
22 Sometimes we 're concerned as to whether N C V O is competing with its membership about what we do , and I know that a point has been raised on that , er , by somebody who I think is present today .
23 Er the only thing that I have not handed you is the Labour resolution which er twice mentions demands now although I 'm supporting this strong report here , I think it 's a mistake to demand things , it is , it does n't put people in a very good frame of mind to coax them but and I would ask the er Miss who I think we 're going to vote for this , whether she would consider changing to request , because I think we going to the situation where we make it known to the Department of Transport that we 're a string of such like , we do n't to upset them any more , I think that we requested that we answer is we would actually get a result in one .
24 They are missing out on a lot of talent in people who I think put more into their job . ’
25 Now I am 25 and have a new man in my life who I think is the one for me .
26 Erm a letter was sent to all district secretaries , who I think in mo , most cases sent these round to churches to see if we could get some idea from you as to what sort of increase in contributions could be possible for nineteen ninety three .
27 They are next door neighbours who I think are very nice but I do n't think that Jackie and Nev have a lot in common with .
28 Well , there are next door neighbours , who I think are very nice , but I do n't think that Jackie and Ned got a lot in common with them that 's , tha that 's one house that adjoins them and then a little further on , its a lane , its about as wide as this Brenda .
29 I mean maybe we ca n't all be the same there 's something at fault and you saying people who I think .
30 ya the other people who I think would be quite interested at looking at something like that would be the new Business Development Centre at Queen Margaret I think that 's much more up their line
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