Example sentences of "who [vb past] take " in BNC.

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1 In addition we are grateful to the necessarily anonymous educational psychologists , and to their clients , who agreed to take part in this research .
2 The use of the New Workers ' Scheme ( discontinued in 1989 ) which subsidised employers who agreed to take on young workers at low rates of pay and the similar effect of the Jobstart Scheme for the long term unemployed .
3 And Ray praises highly the many people from across the country who agreed to take part in the four-part series .
4 Then , due to the current troubles , they were taken away from them and offered to Gateshead , who agreed to take them but then could not get television coverage , so they went to Germany .
5 He would go to see Joseph Fouché personally , and explain the position to him : that he had uncovered a massive international conspiracy of Jews who planned to take over the whole of Europe .
6 But they were gifted the points by a Sunderland side who failed to take the chances on offer .
7 Directors who ought to have realized that insolvent liquidation was inevitable , but who failed to take the necessary step to minimize the potential loss to creditors .
8 Something had to be found for the men to do with their time , so someone had the bright idea of introducing ‘ Cook 's Tours ’ — trips over France and Germany in a Lancaster for any of the non-flying staff who cared to take advantage of it , including Waafs .
9 The most worrying thing is not that life was imitating video game imitating life etc ; that my perception of reality had been fatally flawed by subliminal computer messages ; or even that my brain was becoming all-too transparent to any two-bob amateur psychiatrist who cared to take note .
10 He also tried his hand as a film director , though less successfully , and wrote a play about a German who sought to take out a patent for gas ovens , which was staged to scant acclaim at the Arts Theatre in 1965 .
11 A LORRY driver who helped take aid to refugees in Croatia was yesterday named Britain 's Top Dad .
12 A woman who tried to take over Swindon Town Football Club has been giving evidence against the former manager Lou Macari , who 's on trial for tax fraud .
13 Patrick Furse , 27 , was alone on an around-the-world trip when he was killed by thieves who tried to take his camera and cash .
14 Patrick , a former soldier , was alone on an around the world adventure when he was shot as he resisted two men who tried to take his cash and camera .
15 To her horror , Folly saw Luke nod and turn away down the corridor , leaving her alone with this sinister whispering woman who seemed to take it for granted that she was meekly going to strip off and join in what could only be some kind of orgy .
16 Ordering fresh coffee from the waitress who came to take my order , he passed me the Guardian and picked up the Sun .
17 The meetings were considered successful , and doubtless those who came to take part in them would get a double benefit from the fine air and the healthful scenes around that beautifully situated city .
18 We finished our shift at 8 and he was going at 9 , but at 8 , instead of the usual people who came to take over from us , the managing director of the company and his next-door neighbour came in their golfing clothes to pick up whatever tip was being given and we were told to push off .
19 Nevertheless , each day the company under his command suffered an average of 20–30 casualties from the shelling ; his Company HQ , a hole in a shattered trench , ‘ inundated with the blood of the wounded , who came to take refuge close to me , as if I could do anything , alas … ’ his mother on reaching the Mort Homme during the calm before the storm , he described it as ‘ an excellent corner , the best in the sector ’ .
20 The kidnapping of his friend 's son , the policy of intermittent , small-scale attacks , together with the persistent driving winds ( no hurricane had hit , but nevertheless the autumn gales had torn at the trees all night and blown his nerves to bits ) , and the impending birth of his child by the savage girl who 'd taken possession of him — all this harried Kit Everard in his sleep until more than once , he was ready to move on , find another island , preferably entirely uninhabited .
21 If he was normally quite a kind person who 'd taken up robbing banks because he was short of cash they could put jam on his bread and vodka in his water , and if he was a horror they could empty the potato peelings over him whenever they felt like it . ’
22 The man who 'd taken a photograph of the bus asked if he might photograph the old people also , and the bus-driver told him to wait a minute .
23 So was Mrs Keble , who 'd taken eight pounds odd on the tombola .
24 But he 'd been in his prime then , a match for any King Lud who 'd taken it into his weak head to break into the Dallam weaving sheds , in the dead of night , and start smashing his machines to bits .
25 I did n't know the surname of the people who 'd taken you , only your first name , Robbie , and so when you turned up in school I thought nothing of it .
26 Ross , who 'd taken over the industrial empire founded by his father , Sir David Wyndham , had been planning to develop and broaden the company 's overseas operations .
27 And there were words of praise for the girls who 'd taken to the catwalk .
28 ‘ They 're hunting Burythorpe way today , ’ she said — Nora , who claimed to take not the slightest interest in anything the Lord Middleton 's did !
29 And that happened at 23 with an actress who happened to take me under her wing , so to speak .
30 I 'm here to tell you that if Alan is right and big Arnie ( pictured left ) did the body beautiful business behind the Co that night , anyone who happened to take a photograph of him should send it in to me pronto .
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