Example sentences of "who [vb past] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Those who agreed were visited at home , where , after giving informed consent , they completed a series of questionnaires and had blood taken by the research nurse .
2 Those who agreed were given an envelope in which to seal their completed questionnaire before returning it to the member of staff .
3 Where would Chung Kuo be if we who ruled were always being sick ? ’
4 Some local authorities have been very effective at this — in Greenwich , people who registered were entered in a prize draw .
5 We do not know exactly how many of those who re-applied were supporting children , who are mentioned only occasionally in the sources .
6 How would it be monitored and regulated to ensure that those who cheated were penalized ?
7 As can be seen in Table III , children who recovered were similar to both groups of the children who did not in sex distribution , age at initial evaluation and onset of constipation , stool frequency , percentage of patients with stool withholding , history of urinary tract infection , and stool retention .
8 Table IV shows that children who recovered were similar to both groups of children who did not in age at follow up , years of follow up , and frequency of day or night wetting .
9 Parents who objected were torn apart as heretics .
10 The equipment which saved Ray was bought by the Thame business United Biscuits , and some of the staff who contributed were also at the pub today to meet the man who owes his life to their generosity .
11 In 1989 , the number of children under 16 with parents who divorced was 148 thousand .
12 I 've just returned from this year 's Prix de Lausanne and the two Russian boys who entered were kicked out .
13 Here , everyone who entered was free to be Dreamer .
14 How far those Saxons who disagreed were able to flee into wilder parts of the Weald may be doubted ; there seems to have been none of the resistance in wild areas which the Normans met when Hereward fled to the Isle of Ely and Yorkshiremen fought back .
15 Many of those who moved were deeply ashamed and riddled , with guilt as they were bussed into the plant , hiding under the seats from their former colleagues on the picket at the gate .
16 Many who moved were glad to do so and the economy as a whole has benefited from the release of agricultural labour to take up employment in the expanding manufacturing and service sectors .
17 Those who believed were asked to give their verdict on major psychic phenomena .
18 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
19 Sentence of death was passed on 8 convicts at the Old Bailey , 4 of whom were executed on 15 Feb. : ‘ One of those who suffered was for robbing a farmer 's boy of sixpence . ’
20 The only people who suffered were the prisoners , who were not allowed to go for walks any more .
21 We were poor and the people who came were poor .
22 The men and women who came were dressed differently from those who jostled one another in the rue Sanghines , but they looked at money the same way .
23 My wife is sure Maurin 's not the type of man to be violent and that the men who came were n't sent by him . ’
24 You know they were sort of they were cheap stalls and and the people who came were the bargain hunters .
25 The maid who came was a local girl .
26 Among those who came was Pietro Torrigiano , who designed the tomb of Henry VII and his queen in the new chapel at Westminster Abbey .
27 Data from the patients who withdrew were included in the analysis up to the point of withdrawal .
28 The poll had inbuilt defects because the sample who replied were ‘ self-selecting ’ .
29 Those who joined were forced to fornicate in the presence of others .
30 And the woman who returned was not my mother .
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