Example sentences of "so much when " in BNC.

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1 There too her parents who love her so much and suffer so much when she leaves their family feel indebted to her parents-in-law .
2 One 's mind is occupied so much when one is young , but I wonder now if I could not have thought more about Beatrice .
3 Nor can the horse hear so much when stabled , although some people try and overcome this deficiency by leaving a radio playing all day in the stable for the horse 's benefit .
4 The sea-mail letter arrived this afternoon , and my hands shook so much when I retired to my tent that I could hardly open it …
5 You can hear that one on Planet Cannonball and it had the most incredible effect ; the voltage on it would sag so much when you cranked it up that it sounded like a volume swell pedal .
6 It slows the game down so much when you have people killing the ball , but it 's not the fault of the players , it 's the referees who allow it ’ .
7 He is also believed to be embarrassed that one person should be earning so much when the recession and heavy unemployment has badly affected Coventry and the surrounding area .
8 Indeed the Baron himself has almost given up buying ( a recent exception was Constable 's ‘ The Lock ’ , which he acquired at Sotheby 's in 1991 for over £10 million ) , as works of sufficient importance appear so rarely on the market and cost so much when they do .
9 These recent watercolours , larger , bolder and stronger than his earlier work , pleased me so much when first I saw them that I offered him an exhibition at Abbot Hall .
10 It does not arise so much when the doubt lies between ( a ) consent and ( b ) no decision .
11 A hibernator 's metabolism slows down so much when it becomes dormant that time appears to speed by and the winter is over in a trice .
12 One does n't resent it so much when life does .
13 " How is it you know so much when you only took the shop over last week ? "
14 Why did all the grown-ups giggle so much when Richard ( the younger of the two boys ) and I went to the fancy dress party as Adam and Eve ?
15 He did n't usually think of Margaret so much when he was away , but the whole thing had him on edge .
16 She suffered so much when he did casuals that he 'd lied about it for a long time .
17 I , I think erm I think it may have been that er you , they assumed you 're lacking confidence because you were laughing at yourself so much when you were asking the questions .
18 But she screams so much when she gets her hair cut and she wo n't have
19 Well you wo n't so much when it 's dried .
20 Erm er just made an observation about er experience in hospital with children and apparently when kids have been in hospital for a length of time they do n't object so much when you go along and stick a the
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