Example sentences of "so i [be] " in BNC.

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1 I shall have to be looking out for a second hand bike-y just for the occasional trip into town without getting Stuey out of bed so I be a bit more independent than just bothering you all time , if I just wan na pop anywhere .
2 right , so I be , I 'll come down tomorrow with your mince
3 And so I am pasted to this leaning morass , observing the simplest of equations .
4 So I am encouraged in my perhaps natural naïveté , I am encouraged to be simpliste , by my knowledge of the value of complication in fogging up the real issues in politics .
5 In doing so I am rather like the doctor by the patient 's bedside , who knows ; although of course he does not tell the patient — that the outcome of the disease will depend upon something in the constitution of that patient which he can not control nor further influence and which he can not even ascertain , except by the event .
6 But if so I am not wholly convinced that he adopted the new Liberalism .
7 So I am desiring , though not more than half expecting , a letter tomorrow morning to hear how you spend your day , & , because you were certainly happy , in what ways you directed your happiness .
8 ‘ And so I am , so I am .
9 So I am now a ‘ colonial ’ and wear the badge of my adopted land on my shoulder , just like all the others .
10 So I am going to suggest ways of finding out about earth energies and of understanding the processes involved , how the ancient peoples related to them , and how we may ourselves be able to build a stronger link .
11 So I am improving .
12 So I am an orphan , and live with my maid . ’
13 No address is given on either the product or the instructions and so I am left in the dark .
14 I did manage to find the address of the company through an advert , but after writing to them I have had no reply and so I am unable to recharge the 2-lb of resin that I have used .
15 Over the years the Victor has not had the glamour or attention that has been bestowed on the Vulcan so I am seriously considering starting a Handley Page Victor Association .
16 So I am here attributing to the kingfisher ‘ knowledge how ’ rather than ‘ knowledge that ’ .
17 So I am now the only one in the entire family without a job in the real sense .
18 In doing so I am not suggesting that I am delineating some objective essence of classicism .
19 Choir and instrumentalists are as responsive to Gardiner 's direction as we have come to expect of them but even so I am left with the feeling that the great sense of occasion generated by this music has only been realized in part .
20 So I am constrained by my material world — the practicalities of my material circumstances — just as much as by my physical world .
21 So I am trying to get the new librarian to push all those books into one section … and maybe we could have a trolley and push that around and have it in the lower school …
22 The one that 's Down In The Borders yes , I mean that , I 've seen so , another piece of print about that one Down In The Borders and erm it 's , it 's not our version of audio description , so I am going to write
23 So I am pleading that the panel really take a great deal of effort in this leaflet so that it is going to be easily understood by even the people who are less well educated than some of us .
24 So I am wary as we begin our first rehearsal in the afternoon .
25 So I am going to go this way round , right , and I 'm going to take some doughnuts .
26 I said I was proud to have your acquaintance — and so I am .
27 However , it is a well known fact that all Spanish men are born with a football in their mouth and so I am sure his dormant skills will blossom forth as soon as he walks out on to the park .
28 As a businessman , it would be foolhardy of me to pour my own money nilly-willy into the club and so I am constantly on the look-out for companies willing to risk investing in a lowly but forward-looking team .
29 BELVILLE : So I am to be exposed in my house by such a sauce-box as you .
30 So I am lonely , but not alone , like everybody else .
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