Example sentences of "so do not " in BNC.

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1 The circumstances under which they did so do not appear from the report of the case .
2 You know it and so do I. So do n't waste your breath !
3 If you would like to share a bit of my life with me , then give me a bit of yours I will reply so do n't make me cry , get me high , and reply to SKY .
4 They are n't heavy eaters so do not need constant feeding , but they do prefer well-drained , humus-rich soil .
5 Violence in the home is as much a crime as violence from a stranger , so do not put up with it .
6 Unlike the cross-shareholdings seen in America in the era of Pierpont Morgan , the links are not usually between competitors so do not necessarily indicate a cartel .
7 So do not look for us coming Lily but think rather of you coming home if you have a mind .
8 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
9 When you tip the seed from the packet it is hard to believe that from almost every one a plant will arise , so do not let them fall too thickly into the soil .
10 So do not be anxious about tomorrow ; tomorrow will look after itself .
11 So do not neglect the so-called popular style , which tickles long ears .
12 There are many types of reading test currently used in primary schools ; most of them , however , are norm-referenced rather than criterion-referenced , and so do not relate directly to the levels of attainment described above .
13 So do not let us be surprised when they fail to deliver the goods from their two-cornered debate .
14 The remedies have been grouped for easier comparison and so do not appear alphabetically .
15 You almost never find all the symptoms of the case in a remedy picture and you will never find all the symptoms of a remedy in the disease picture of the case , so do not look for it or try to fit it all in .
16 Third degree burns involve the full thickness of the skin and are likely to be less tender than first or second degree burns so do not be fooled into underestimating the severity of a serious burn by the lack of pain .
17 Some children never learn that it is worth the effort and so do not learn to read efficiently .
18 Some children who are able to read and have learned to read effortlessly are unaware of the rewards of reading and so do not read voluntarily .
19 Violence in the home is as much a crime as violence from a stranger , so do not put up with it .
20 It will be the same for all the other candidates so do not allow tricky moments to throw you off balance .
21 So do not feel you have to make a fuss to get attention .
22 They also have the disadvantage of being dark and prone to damp , and are seemingly tempting places to deposit litter , or worse — so do not hesitate to turn them down if you are offered any .
23 Remember that it is not a race , so do not suddenly ask your horse for maximum speed .
24 So do not let ourselves go seeking instant conversions or any of that jazz .
25 It entails a little body contact so do not choose someone who is too uptight and of course they must be wearing a jacket .
26 Live foods from freshwater will survive in the tank for a while , but the conditions that suit your fish may not suit them , and they will die and decompose , so do not overfeed with live food either .
27 It is a peaceful fish which likes a quiet life , so do not house it with lively fish .
28 So do not be disappointed if you fail to receive a windfall or secure your greatest ambition .
29 So do not deviate by mixing your opinions with the facts .
30 Over-bleaching is a real hair-destroyer so do not embark on it lightly if you have dark hair .
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