Example sentences of "can have [art] " in BNC.

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1 The problem will then return to the Government 's desk , and I hope it will then accept that the country can have no more universities , and no more university places , than it can afford .
2 The commission has no criterion , because it can have no criterion , to decide which prices ought to go up and by how much , or vice versa .
3 Robinson Crusoe on a desert island may experience good luck or bad luck ; but he can have no rights .
4 We have already seen some such things in the area of natural philosophy , things of which , ‘ by the natural use of our faculties , we can have no knowledge at all ’ .
5 It is ‘ manifestly impossible there should be any such idea ’ , for we can have no sensory experience of spirits .
6 His reply is that we have no idea of material substance because matter is an impossibility and could not exist ; whereas , though we can have no sensory idea of spiritual substance , minds are not an impossibility and could exist .
7 If we have no intimate relationship with God , then we can have no true intimacy within marriage either .
8 Without God as the supreme expression of goodness , love and personhood , human beings can have no true exaltation or dignity .
9 Totally to oust the court 's supervisory jurisdiction in a field where ex hypothesi the citizen can have no right to be consulted is a draconian and dangerous step indeed .
10 As E. R. Dodds has remarked , ‘ where men can build their systems only out of used pieces the notion of progress can have no meaning — the future is devalued in advance ’ .
11 16 ) he argued that time can have no existence unless things are actually happening , and in his Confessions ( xi .
12 Both Bryant families were strong Methodists and those who complain today about racism can have no idea of the gulf between Church and Chapel only seventy years ago .
13 Since a woman can have no sui heredes , the intestate heir will be the nearest agnate , who is in this case her sister and coheir .
14 Christianity will deny that it condones selfishness , but it serves no purpose to promise something which can have no appeal unless it satisfies a desire , and then in another context to label that appeal the product of a baser instinct .
15 Each leaf makes contact with the air , and anyone who has been in a grove of beech trees on a windy night can have no doubt as to the elemental attribution of the tree .
16 Most important of all , he can have no rights at all against his home state — such matters are ‘ domestic ’ and normally entirely outside the purview of international law , a singularly important limitation in the area of human rights where the master criminal is the victim 's own government .
17 And to all of you who 've written moaning about storms in a teacup , claiming that the mouthings of a mere pop star can have no impact on the real world , may I direct your attention to the letter below .
18 It seems to be based on the implicit assumption that women who reject dieting and respond to their bodies ' hunger can have no role to play in their own , or anybody else 's , fantasies .
19 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
20 We can have no complaints .
21 Others assume that such theoretical enquiry can have no relevance whatever .
22 Coercion of lenders — either to lend or not to lend — can have no justification in a freely competitive market .
23 Therefore can have no Regent and you no authority .
24 Gandalf says as much at II , 99 , though he is laconic about it — ‘ I sat in a high place ( the great tree in Lothlórien ? ] , and I strove with the Dark Tower ’ — since Aragorn and the others he is addressing can have no idea what is being referred to .
25 They can have no idea of the really horrendous potential of the situation here in Santorini — the combination of all those megatons of hydrogen bombs , thermal plumes and volcanoes and earthquakes along the tectonic plate boundaries and the possibly cataclysmic results .
26 In sharp contrast to his ‘ enthusiasm ’ of 1792 , in 1806 Fox introduced the abolition resolution by reminding the Commons what was owed to its own reputation after its 1792 decision for gradual abolition was not carried through ; he appealed to the memory of Pitt and the arguments of Burke ; he looked to parliament to speak for the nation on ‘ a question in which party feelings , arising out of political connections , can have no share ’ .
27 In Section III , I discuss the objection that the computational processes in a program may not be the same as the cognitive processes in the organism , and the view that AI can have no bearing on any phenomenological experience , in human or animal species .
28 But animals can have no expectations in this sense since they lack moral personality — a sense of rightful give and take .
29 You can have no idea at all what the weather will be like when the plants arrive : it could be wet and the soil like a quagmire , it could be too dry , or frozen hard , and planting quite out of the question .
30 Eastern Europe 's opening to the Third World ( along with the influence of Cuba and Vietnam ) add credence to the view that diplomatic solutions to international difficulties can have no validity without taking into account the interests of the socialist camp .
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