Example sentences of "so [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Product names therefore should not be so specific as to exclude wider use where appropriate .
2 Budgets should set expenditure for principal areas of expense and may with advantage be so specific as to set amounts for individual chemical products and equipment .
3 The walls were no longer quite so solid as they had seemed , and each white-suited attendant seemed to conceal an assassin dressed in black .
4 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
5 This is not so hypocritical as it sounds for Godwin hated violence and war .
6 He did not refer to anything so vulgar as payment , of course , because the Gnomes would not expect it .
7 Er if it 's at night time it annoys you , cos if all ring your neighbours they 're not gon na be so friendly if your alarm 's ringing forever and a day and you know , it 's disturbing your sleep .
8 Joyce 's use of stream of consciousness was often thought at the time to be an achievement so outstanding as to deter imitation : Ezra Pound , for example , suggested , ‘ Ulysses is , presumably … unrepeatable … you can not duplicate it ’ ( Pound 1922 : 625 ) .
9 She had been so pleasant since Donald 's death that there were times when he could not believe that he was planning to murder her .
10 Her name was Gail Danski , a prim-looking chick , but not so prim when you got her into a dark corner , as he had once discovered when taking her home after a school dance .
11 not so tall as all that
12 To backtrack a little , the case is perhaps not so monolithic as I have implied : for which we have to return to the detail of Callinicos ' ‘ No ’ to Lukács .
13 The USSR is not so monolithic as to be devoid of élite politics .
14 Conversely , there are many , so-called , all-inclusive communication models which are so grotesque as to be of little use to anyone .
15 The sudden stilling of the wind brought with it a silence so total when compared to the continual cacophony of the past hours that the shock of it , for a moment , held Mariana and Trent immobile .
16 The ride followed by Marian and Allen , although not so broad as the main Highway , was lighter because the trees that flanked it , being for the most part giant oaks , had quelled the subordinate vegetation and left airy vistas between their trunks .
17 Charles Handy suggested that a definition of a manager or a manager 's role is likely to be so broad as to be fairly meaningless .
18 For example , the requirements for keyboard operating pressure are so broad as to be meaningless .
19 ‘ She 's gone to Sam 's party , ’ said Scarlet , hastily , applying the brush to her hair and wondering why it made you feel so odd if you looked at yourself for a long while in the glass .
20 The Warden ( Vice-Chancellor ) Duff assured them that he was now not nearly so odd as he was when he had known him at the choir school of King 's College .
21 His shows are serious and grown-up , by his lights , and they certainly have storylines so odd as to make The Ring look like a sit-com .
22 In front of the entrance there is a pillar of rock forty feet high , called the Soldier Rock , and the entrance itself is so narrow as only to admit a small boat , and then only in fine weather .
23 In addition , the spurs between the meanders preserve the general height of the plateau surface away from the river , except where they are so narrow as to be subject to general lowering by the formation of the slopes on either side .
24 Twomey 's niece had prepared what she considered " a nice meal " for the travellers , but Twomey would not allow anything so unfitting as sharing a High Tea with Sir Dermot .
25 But they would not be so rich if they were not adept at minimising tax and maximising profits .
26 Vela is crossed by the Milky Way , though it is not so rich as Carina .
27 He also loves ‘ words which go beyond words ’ — the poetry of Baudelaire , Rimbaud , Novalis , Keats — for he feels that no human language could ever be so rich as to express perfectly all that he feels .
28 In view of this irksome journey to Keswick , not surprisingly , regard was given to the possibility of setting up smelt houses at Coniston : " … if the Mynes hereafter should hereafter prove so rich as to countervale the charges of erecting any worke houses , there is more there about but water sufficient to make some competent buildings and good store both a wood & peets at more easy rates than at Keswick if the said wood may be preserved for those uses … "
29 ‘ Depreciation rate ’ is a term sometimes used to describe the rate of physical decline of existing stock to a point where it is so decrepit as to be no longer usable .
30 Finnis , on behalf of Aquinas , would doubtless be disposed to argue that Kelsen admits and he excludes any content whatever but if the general requirements of justice are indeed so indeterminate as to allow of even contradictory determinations then this objection falls .
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