Example sentences of "as if each " in BNC.

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1 It is as if each animal wears on its skin a giant fingerprint , with as much individuality as would be needed for personal recognition .
2 It was as if each species of inedible butterfly was mimicked by the others , and this convergence of colour pattern became known as Müllerian Mimicry .
3 They continued their journey , their conversation desultory as if each was aware of the tension which now separated them .
4 And if he puts his hand to his forehead he can feel the scars of ridged skin that he was n't born with and it is as if each rippled furrow represents , records each recollective twinge .
5 Occasionally I 'd get up in the morning and there he 'd be in the kitchen , eating furiously , as if he did n't know where his next grub was coming from , as if each day was an adventure that could end anywhere .
6 With hindsight , it seems as if each marriage was doomed to failure from the start .
7 Afterwards , he felt it had been as if each of them had been waiting for the other to touch on a delicate subject .
8 It is as if each writer had taken the memory of some powerful event ( the terrible shock of being woken by a piercing noise ; discovering the ‘ magical ’ properties of magnets ) and daydreamed in such a concentrated way about it that a group of people , a situation , a story began to emerge .
9 He had a tendency , even a compulsion to repeat short phrases which seemed particularly apt : to hammer at them as if something was being shaped on an anvil , or as if each phrase was a key which unlocked whole galleries of memory .
10 In the field of New Testament studies , it is as if each new discovery , each new assertion , is swallowed up as quickly as it can be made .
11 ‘ It is as if each contracting party were bound by as many bilateral treaties as there are other contracting parties . ’
12 But this time there was particular urgency about their work as if each woman were counting votes for the two competitors .
13 At last Adam spoke , as if each word was a weight he had to lift .
14 He was looking down at his plate and there was a tremor in his jaw as if each syllable was finding a nerve in a broken tooth .
15 And to be far away from home and in a situation where life had to be lived as if each day was your last must have intensified every sensation .
16 She touched the bowls as if each were alive , while the ch'a itself fell daintily , almost musically into the bowls , not a drop splashed or spilled .
17 It seems as if each major branch of geomorphology had at least one new textbook which served to disseminate techniques and ideas and to serve as a baseline from which new research and teaching could develop .
18 The Viennese piano is often discussed as if it developed along one path , as if each improvement followed the previous one in an orderly fashion .
19 It is as if each exon ended with a pointer saying ‘ continued on page 94 ’ .
20 His lips tore at hers , and hers at his , as if each one was the prey and each the hunter —
21 How dared he be so cool and confident , casually spooning powdered milk into the mugs , and stirring slowly , as if each task merited the utmost care and attention ?
22 Her spine , neck and shoulders ached dully , but after a while she could almost relish the aches , as if each physical pain was another blotter for the press of ideas in her head .
23 Robed in colours , in light , as if each step
24 Infrared spectroscopy can be used to characterize long chain polymers because the infrared active groups , present along the chain , absorb as if each was a localized group in a simple molecule .
25 Furthermore , science proceeds as if each successive theory is true , or an approximation to the truth .
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