Example sentences of "what i be " in BNC.

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1 I realise that what I am describing , people divided in themselves , is said to characterise mental illness , and is the absolute opposite of our idea of emotional integration .
2 Since what I am to say must be but that Which contradicts my accusation …
3 It is what I am , not what I do , that you must worship in me .
4 Only if you do that will you be able to say with confidence that I am wrong , that what I am suggesting has not yet come to pass , that there is still time .
5 Does this then reveal to me what I am ?
6 ‘ My husband and my children are Welsh , and my guests here appreciate what I am doing .
7 I am what I am .
8 What I am suggesting is that introspective reports , while often providing helpful qualitative information , can never be reliable enough to use as quantitative data defining the presence or absence of conscious awareness .
9 The CTP is susceptible of a materialist interpretation and this , in its neurophysiological version , is what I am going to focus on .
10 I do n't see many of my kind , so people look at me strangely and ask — rudely — what I am .
11 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
12 There is , of course , nothing to prevent an academic from criticizing professionalism , which is indeed what I am doing now .
13 What I am saying is that a lot of the common English objections to Ezra Pound have substance , and would be worth taking seriously , if only we could be sure that they were advanced in good faith , in humility , and with compassion .
14 The disgust which inheres in desire is not , as the Freudian analysis might suggest , necessarily generated by or focused upon the repressed constituent of the self ; it may be , but what I am pointing to here is an additional structural interdependence of desire and disgust .
15 What I am anxious to do is to find things that are not cynically made .
16 That 's what I am , let's face it .
17 It feels cold : I had hoped for spring but what I am finding is winter .
18 Do you understand what I am trying to tell you , that I was filled with distaste for everything ?
19 That is not what I am offering .
20 The list is longer , but what I am getting at is that it is going to be extremely expensive to cut down this pollution .
21 Surely you see a difference between me , who wrote long , incoherent , and enthusiastic letters , enjoyed perfectly the songs of birds and the sight of a sundown , believed in the possibility of perfect happiness , perfect beauty , perfect purity , and a perfect world , all perfected , too , by that thing Nature which was so real to me ; a difference between me then and thus , and what I am now , dull unenthusiastic , unimaginative , but more coherent and prudent , though still imprudent enough to write such things as that Sonnet , which even you esteem bad , I think … .
22 … This ‘ me ’ , that is to say , the soul by which I am what I am , is entirely distinct from body … and even if the body were not , the soul would not cease to be what it is . ’
23 And I am what I am by the grace of God .
24 I think it will help us to hold on to what I am going to say if we keep in mind two pictures : a hallway of a house , and a telephone .
25 It is better if I wait until the morning when I can see what I am doing . ’
26 Nothing of what I am going to attempt to say should in any way be read as denying the value of psychoanalysis nor as implying that the Church has not been , and continues to be , deeply misogynistic in ways that are damaging both to women and to the Church itself .
27 I find myself turning to the first chapter of the Book of Genesis for an insight into what I am hinting at here .
28 What I am saying is this .
29 What I am going to do , ’ he says , ‘ is make a special presentation , to mark this brave effort . ’
30 My sister can never understand what I am prepared to do for her , for our welfare .
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