Example sentences of "what he want " in BNC.

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1 'E 's a man wivout pity an' 'e do n't care who 'e steps on ter get what 'e wants .
2 Ask Paul and see what he wants to do . ’
3 Ross explains the process precisely in pointing out that most guidebook history is written from the editor 's perspective , and he believes what he wants to believe .
4 But these just happen to be his , he ca n't ‘ prescribe ’ them ‘ for art ’ ; what he wants to say must come to terms with what the form allows him ; art refuses to be imposed upon , to be dictated to , and Dostoevsky 's dictum will stand .
5 Within certain laws of the land , a novelist can do what he wants .
6 In Selfoss the assistant in the chemist 's tries to sell us surgical spirit when we ask for meths and there is a pantomime while Tony explains to her , in best sign language , that what he wants is spirit for a Trangia .
7 But at the back of my mind a little voice says , ‘ He 's the hairdresser , he knows best , let him do what he wants and I 'll walk out looking like a princess . ’
8 I get the impression that Mr Ataie has decided what he wants to say and then created characters to fit his theme .
9 And what he wants to exorcise are his bad feelings about the man who brung him up .
10 But there 's also some danger in drifting into a situation where all of that , and the power to get exactly what he wants , is in the hands of one person struggling with a new job , isolated among unfamiliar collaborators .
11 I think David thought he was the artist and he knew what he wanted to do — which I think is actually true — the artist basically does know what he wants to do — but I think the manager should just be there to sort out the finance and try to keep you on a the straight and narrow .
12 What DeFries said to David or what he felt I do n't know , but what he said was , ‘ Well , if that 's what he wants , then he should leave ’ .
13 Alan Borg , the director of the Imperial War Museum , subscribes fully to the value-for-money school : museums that charge the customer , he says , are more likely to think harder about what he wants to see .
14 In the eye of the Common Law there is plenty of land as good elsewhere ; but the purchaser has set his heart on just this piece of land , and damages ( even if liberally assessed , which is not always the case ) are not what he wants .
15 ‘ So we all have to live like beggars so that Dad can have what he wants ? ’
16 Now it is clear what he wants .
17 A good horse trainer teaches a horse good habits so that it does what he wants it to do automatically , without it learning any undesirable behaviour or bad habits in the process ; but a poor trainer often finds that his horses learn something unwanted at the same time .
18 But , their leader tells David Wastell , Political Editor , although success seems so close , this is not really what he wants at all
19 Is this what he wants to hear on Radio 3 ?
20 Oops I must go now there is a policeman at the door — I wonder what he wants ?
21 You say he is clever , clever enough to know what he wants to do and what makes him satisfied .
22 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
23 ‘ He is a nice , intelligent guy but I think his public image reflects only what he wants known about himself .
24 ‘ It 's what he wants most in the world .
25 Soon the employee learns that he is not getting from the phone calls what he wants and expects .
26 You will not have what you want , but what he wants . ’
27 It means that we are selling the consumer what he wants for his psyche .
28 Other things to be observed would be the patient 's appearance , presence or absence of heat and sweat in different areas of the body , his behaviour and mood , what he wants in his surroundings and environment , does he want to be still or moving , if he moves why does he move , does he want fresh air or to be covered , or both , or neither , and so on !
29 Does not know what he wants .
30 One shouts and screams , bullies and overpowers others in order to get what he wants .
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