Example sentences of "would then [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Shias of the south , the Sunnis of Sidon and Tripoli , would not only oppose such a state , but produce more children than the Maronites , who would then be a minority in the country they had created .
2 But if individual membership doubled — in line with Labour 's 1991 campaign target — the proportions would shift dramatically : union voting strength would then be reduced to 55 per cent , with constituency parties having a 45 per cent share .
3 It has been suggested that the club would pay Knighton £1m as compensation , which would then be added to the price-tag Midani would put on the Edwards stake .
4 ‘ The full credibility of its strategy would then be enhanced .
5 Snow Bride , who finished three-lengths second to Aliysa , would then be declared the winner and she should consolidate her enormous value as a broodmare by taking today 's Princess Royal Stakes .
6 Nations , and perhaps humanity itself , would then be seen to owe their survival to their follies , or at least to an appropriate dilution of rationality with pretence and self-deception .
7 He imagined labour as it would be , had it not been formulated by capitalism , and say that it would then be merely an aspect of the total business of living , unseparated from such activities as recreation , consumption , family life : that it would be just part of existence .
8 The cars would then be rebuilt .
9 The extra revenue would then be spent on public transport .
10 If the fashion industry responded by establishing better links through design and manufacturing to the high street , it would then be able to provide the customer with a more individual product . ’
11 It would then be up to the US and Canada to decide whether they want to face towards the Atlantic or Pacific — or be caught between two great trading oceans .
12 At the time Neath said they walked off in disgust after 35 minutes because their lock Gareth Llewellyn was told he could continue until the interval but would then be sent off .
13 Free elections would then be possible in a year 's time when all parties could participate equally . ’
14 The permits would then be allocated by an international agency to governments .
15 It would then be necessary for the government concerned to face the consequences of violating its Treaty obligations in such a flagrant manner — consequences which could be serious indeed .
16 They would then be required to hand over the proceeds , without any strings attached , to a fund in which , under the Tolba plan , ‘ all countries would have an equal say in resource allocation . ’
17 Everything would then be crowded together in a state of infinite density : the end of the universe .
18 The external aspects of German unity would then be just about settled .
19 Ideally income tax would be replaced by an expenditure tax : all saving would then be tax-deductible , and all spending would be taxed .
20 If it had stopped innovating , the match would then be equal .
21 America 's restrictions on its citizens visiting Vietnam would then be lifted .
22 To earn money that would then be taken away to pay reparations , Iraq must be allowed to export oil .
23 The European Commission last year proposed that all EC railways should separate track operation from running services , in the hope that it would then be easier to open up national railways to outside competition .
24 Upon the death of the life tenant , his eldest son , the remainderman , would then be tenant in tail in possession .
25 An attempt would then be made to drag Cocello into the dispute by Clasper making a public appeal to the President to reinstate the sacked shop steward over the heads of plant and divisional management .
26 Within a decade the area might be dug over ; the bones would then be sold as fertiliser and the coffins chopped up for firewood .
27 His main concern was that the National government had not sufficiently registered the fact that if Spain fell into fascist hands France would then be surrounded by fascist powers — Germany , Italy and Spain .
28 I was his assistant and when he wanted flowers he would send me to the Old Covent Garden at 4.30am to buy hundreds of pots of chrysanthemums which would then be sold off at the end of the day , thus serving a dual purpose as decoration and a means of recouping some of our costs .
29 It would then be half-past midnight , and that did n't take into account long rests or crawling .
30 The increase in tax rates for higher earners , which would follow a Labour victory on Thursday , would then be comparable to the top tax rate across the Irish Sea , which this month is to be reduced below 50 per cent .
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