Example sentences of "would be in " in BNC.

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1 But that did not mean that the ethos of a Roman catholic state would be in any way diminished , only that the form of political religious power would be different .
2 The proceeds would be in aid of the same charity as our garden opening .
3 They will have all the facts and will be able to explain what the costs would be in your particular case .
4 The final settlement , as with the various disputes to which the Department seemed ever more prone , would be in my gift and mine alone .
5 This is not to say that functionalists would be in sympathy with Freud 's belief that certain unconscious mental processes are so anxiety-provoking that they must not be allowed to enter awareness .
6 A crossmember between these two braces helps ; people frequently put their legs back under their chair seats , and a cross brace between the front legs would be in the way .
7 The authorities concerned would be in the cities — London Boroughs or Metropolitan Borough Councils — and , in the rest of the country , District Councils .
8 ‘ We strongly believe that a North-east merger of Vaux 's and Brent Walker 's northern brewing and pub operations would be in the best interests of all , ’ said Vaux chairman Paul Nicholson .
9 I hoped the dogs would be in the garden but the moment I stepped inside I was surrounded by five of the massive dogs .
10 But other things would be in a different category .
11 Dr Runcie said that the great point of the meeting would be in its ripple effect and symbolic effect all round the world .
12 Britain would be in an open economic zone and subject to even more direct competition from economies which had made a much stronger commitment to skills , research , science and transport .
13 Thus , on the basis that state pensions became payable to women at 60 and to men at 64 , if the retirement age was 55 , neither would be in a position to claim a pension on retirement ; if it was 60 , women would , but men would not ; if it was 65 , women would have been able to receive since 60 and men would not .
14 Were it an elephant , our feet would be in its midriff , our heads just under its rib-cage .
15 The Exchange hoped originally that the new clearing house would be in operation by March next year .
16 A short time ago , it would have been difficult to imagine that the Conservative Party in Parliament would be in open revolt against bishops of the Church of England .
17 Mr Kinnock would be in Downing Street with an overall majority of 28 seats if there were a general election tomorrow , according to a Mori aggregate poll in The Times , which surveyed more than 7,500 people over three months .
18 He felt he would be in ‘ a better position to settle on the appropriate form of punishment ’ if he knew the victim 's feelings .
19 Each of these companies , if listed separately , would be in the top 10 biggest list in their own right .
20 The Brigade Major informed me that the Brigadier 's party would be in the restaurant for at least one-and-a-half hours , which gives me time to look around the town .
21 She had no idea that I would be in this area .
22 Many in the Cabinet felt that Callaghan would be in a uniquely favourable position , both politically and in terms of the balance of payments , to call an election in October .
23 He had decided that his career would be in politics .
24 Octavia Hill , too , adopted the principle that her housing ventures must be self-supporting , and that the tenants should pay an economic rent ; she maintained that rate-aided housing might be a danger to poorer tenants , who would be in the position of having to contribute through the rates to council housing , when they could scarcely afford the rent for their own inferior accommodation .
25 This would be in the artist 's name , with the manager as the sole signatory .
26 His Majesty appealed to him as a Statesman and as one who had been a Minister of the Crown to place before everything the present dangerous situation of the country , Sir Herbert replied that he and his party were just as patriotic as the Conservatives : the country would be in far greater danger from Tariffs — price of food stuffs would rise , there would be strikes and outbreaks all over the country .
27 In two years we went from a £32m profit , which I suppose in current rates would be in the region of £150m , to a £14m loss .
28 For the concomitant of Callinicos ' critique of postmodernism is not , as it would be in half a hundred other cases , the defence of modernism .
29 I would be in favour of making it illegal to smoke while driving .
30 It seemed that the manager remembered it plainly , too , because as they entered the restaurant , he came from behind his desk like a bolted rabbit and , before Frau Nordern had time to speak , assured her that everything would be in order if only , his hands out wide , beseechingly , if only the gnädige Frau would give him a date .
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