Example sentences of "would say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They would said what they would do well they did everything while we were there
2 Some would say her hair is her finest feature , though Robyn herself secretly hankers after something more muted and malleable , hair that could be groomed and styled according to mood — drawn back in a severe bun like Simone de Beauvoir 's , or allowed to fall to the shoulders in a Pre-Raphaelite cloud .
3 He dressed quickly , all the time arguing fiercely with himself , working out possible conversations with his mother , and what he would say to her , the devastating arguments he would present … and all the time he knew that she would say her piece and he would agree .
4 He was given no chance to escape , would say nothing at all as to what he was doing living in the graveyard and was locked in a cell at the police-station .
5 A silly little bitch she had been , pleading with him to let her live , and promising that if he did she would say nothing and leave Vienna at once , never to return .
6 But Everton manager Kendall would say nothing about either incident , except to snap a cynical and curt ‘ Happy New Year ’ as he headed into the night .
7 Yet , although he drank only fruit juice himself , he would say nothing if his family chose to indulge in a bottle of wine .
8 They agreed that for the moment they would say nothing about it to Ebenezer .
9 If she were annoyed she would say nothing but her anger might last for weeks , sometimes months , becoming more intractable for its lack of outlet .
10 She thought he would say nothing more , then he went on slowly , ‘ Gabriella and I were engaged for only three months .
11 He would say nothing else .
12 Her mam would say nothing , just sit there white-faced , cupping her hand over the latest bruise , not daring even to blink in case he said she was sleeping in God 's time when all he wanted was to raise his children decent .
13 It was a bad idea , her mother would complain about the mud and her father would say nothing .
14 He would say nothing more a– he led her this way and that through the streets , doubling back often , like a fox laying a foil .
15 She would say nothing unless he asked .
16 Michelle Howard would say nothing outside court except that she 's looking forward to it all being over .
17 Management would say nothing after the talks , but John Kydd , divisional organiser of the AEEU , said the company had effectively delivered an ultimatum to the union to accept virtually the same package as was rejected by sacked workers nearly two weeks ago or the factory could close .
18 She would be with us always , and I would n't have to say a word to her grandchildren because she would say them all .
19 So who would say him nay ?
20 ‘ I would say one in every three times . ’
21 They would say whatever it was they had to say in their own time .
22 ‘ I am not so complacent that I would say they wo n't become a formidable competitor but for now they are not , ’ Jonathan Martin , head of sport at the BBC , said .
23 Some would say they do , but others believe another interpretation is better .
24 They would have had some sort of premonition , or maybe some would say they would have had a revelation from God .
25 The lads would say they were out of beer money , so I 'd go looking for a booth .
26 The cruel would say they are all a load of balls and the more open-minded that they have not had a fair trial ( in cricket terms : a decent net ) .
27 Some people would say they 'd do the seven days , but I do n't like prison .
28 Some people would say they had a lot in common and no doubt in some ways they have … except I 'm sure that Philippe …
29 They 're more or less as a , I do n't think there 's a great lot of difference onl I d I , they 're not pushing , they have n't the same , the , I would like to say , I would say they have n't the same interest in their union , they 've not the same interests in the union as they had in the earlier days when there was a union .
30 No , I mean it , not lazy , I would say they 're cleverer , put it that way .
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