Example sentences of "would like do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That is what I would like to do when the time is right . ’
2 I would like to do something classical but I ca n't .
3 ‘ What we would like to do , ’ says Dennis Tunnicliffe , ‘ is slow down the rate of growth because my system is full .
4 If there 's any song that I would like to do , but would never attempt because I would n't know how to begin , that 's the one .
5 I would like to do everything , ’ she said .
6 We will not be able to do at once everything that we would like to do .
7 Are there any other things you would like to do ?
8 I think he would like to do more for the band but we are completely stupid and like do everything for ourselves .
9 He would like to do it , in fact , but not with old Sylvester and Foggerty and all cheering him on .
10 Daedalus would like to do the same thing for human senses , and DREADCO chemists are now at work on his ‘ contrast-exalting spectacles ’ or ‘ Cexspex ’ ( Regd. ) make of a cunning tinted glass .
11 32% of men have tried white water canoeing or would like to do so .
12 If you are under pressure in your own life , with heavy business or family responsibilities , and find that , much as you would like to do so , you can not spend a whole day , or even a whole evening with your parent , there are several ways of coping with this , according to your circumstances .
13 The majority of queries fall roughly into two categories : 1 ) ‘ I have done x and y has gone wrong ’ or 2 ) ‘ I would like to do such-and-such and would appreciate your advice ’ .
14 ‘ It 's something I would like to do but the big question is which direction to go in .
15 Perhaps you would like to do something similar with mine — but just as you prefer .
16 This is where Alan Davies came in , and if the latest coach 's previous career with England B , the Midlands and Nottingham had proved anything it was that pragmatism — what you have to do — comes before even the noblest notion of what you would like to do .
17 ‘ I would like to do something to help like bringing her home but I know she is in the best place . ’
18 If you would like to do that but do n't know who to ask , have a word with me ( I 'll come ! ) .
19 Here is a list of leisure activities : tick the items you enjoy or would like to do if you had the time or the opportunity .
20 Write down five things you would like to do in that one year .
21 ‘ But surely your mother would like to do these things for you ? ’
22 If you are attracted to knowing more about your own psychology ( and other people 's ) , or have low self-esteem or emotional problems and would like to do something about it , then you need to decide how ‘ deep ’ you want to go .
23 A different notion concerns wish-fulfilment : in our dreams we can do with impunity things we would like to do in real life but can not — make love with a Hollywood sex symbol or murder our boss .
24 ‘ This is not something we would like to do , it is something we must do , ’ said Mr Burrow .
25 We want to know what you are already doing , whether you would like to do more , and what the Section can do to help .
26 Try asking , ‘ What can we do together that you would like to do ? ’
27 Our first winner was Debbie Moseley and when Debbie told the guys at Feature You she would like to do modelling but thought she was n't good enough , they decided to prove her wrong and set to work on a dramatic transformation .
28 It would still do you no harm to attend a re-entry programme in the meantime , as it will give you a taste of current nursing practice , and help you in deciding exactly what you would like to do in the future .
29 There may also be subjective assessments of activities , such as how far they were ‘ routine ’ , or ‘ pleasurable ’ , or how far the respondent would like to do them more or less often …
30 ‘ Very kind of you , Celia , but really I think Anna would like to do it . ’
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