Example sentences of "would show [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That would show them !
2 He would show them examples of different sorts of pages and wait until they found one they liked .
3 Ifor was loved and revered by the small brother whom he in turn saw as the family 's great hope of true escape , a conqueror , the one who would show them .
4 –One would show them falling at the usual speed and hear the laughs . ’
5 The Butcher drank so much [ well he said he would show them ] that he got sick .
6 She would show them .
7 Consequently , our lads , whenever they wished to express their contempt for the French , would show them two fingers .
8 But it would show them that I 'm ambitious-enterprising , young and independently minded . ’
9 that would be of interest , sort of allow them not only to be interested but would , would show them a variety of graphic design based on similar ideas .
10 Mr Charsley begins by pointing out that a Martian who found himself invited to a wedding would imagine that the whole affair had been laid on to honour the cake ( the question as to who would invite a Martian or to which side of the church the ushers would show him or why best men seem to turn into Martians when it comes to speeches , he quite wisely avoids ) .
11 And when the King thought it a fit season , he spake to him and said , that Doña Ximena Gomez , the daughter of the Count whom he had slain , had come to ask him for her husband , and would forgive him her father 's death ; wherefore he besought him to think it good to take her to be his wife , in which case he would show him great favour .
12 It was a curious comment , when he would have already known that a Conservative Party election broadcast , The Journey , would show him rediscovering his south London roots from the windows of his prime ministerial limo .
13 I was damned if I would show him my fear .
14 Although they had quarrelled so bitterly Mrs Gotobed had still loved Mr Evans , deep down in her heart , and the message she had asked Carrie to give him would show him this plain , .
15 But she would show him , he need n't think she would n't .
16 She determined she would show him how generous she could be , next time , how to her the priests ' talk was cant , and she 'd defy all for love of him .
17 She would show him what it meant to rouse a sleeping volcano .
18 She would show him that there was no chance of her giving way to a fine lady 's vapours !
19 Well , she would show him !
20 There was nothing she could do about that , but she could give the ring back and that would show what she thought of him !
21 ‘ Then one would show what happened if the speed were different . ’
22 When seen the next morning in hospital , Pamela said she had not cared whether she lived or died when she took the overdose , but had hoped that it would show her parents how upset she was feeling about her school work , and that it might also persuade them to change their attitudes to her boyfriend .
23 Last night I was in a furious rage because Edward asked me to go to his home this afternoon , and he would show me some flowers and nests he thought I would like to see .
24 He had pictures in his office that he would show me of well-equipped armed bands that he said were taken down in the middle of Nicaragua .
25 Sometimes after school we would visit their house and she would show me all her nice clothes .
26 ‘ No ; but the woman said she would show me some pretty dresses , new ones , not — ’ She looked downwards now before she said , ‘ Smelly stuff off the cart . ’
27 And if I if I found D Y by D sine X that would show me , not the gradient of this curve ,
28 Bernice said she would show me Billy 's room and leave me to it while she made lunch and did I fancy a drink ?
29 ‘ I was hoping you would show me how friendly we were by coming to get me . ’
30 He said to get changed and he would show me how to lay the table for dinner as guests were being entertained that night .
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