Example sentences of "would [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps you would rather a good shafting than the whip ? ’
2 ‘ Yet I would rather a resolution less wasteful .
3 Would rather a cat be out cos it wants to be out .
4 Would not a royal and priestly Messiah , both issuing simultaneously from the same family , have seemed an eloquent testimony of God 's favour ?
5 Would not a massive increase of jobs ensure that training be integrated to economic revival and be more productive in finding work ?
6 Would not a more reasonable decision have been to fix the subscription at the direct debit level but offer a discount of £5.00 for payment say within 14 days of the due date ?
7 Would not a moral lead to be to make sure that those people are paid while we come to a conclusion with the legislative committee about whether that piece of legislation was expedient ?
8 As the Minister does not deny that there are enough women from which to choose , would not a little concentration on that issue , and the provision of targets so that we can all see what is going on , be very welcome ?
9 Would not a policy of clobbering savers with an investment surcharge reduce savings and so reduce the pool of available investment capital for manufacturing industry ?
10 On 2 November 1836 , a year before the last part of Birds was published , Gould wrote to Jardine of his latest ambition : ‘ Would not a work on the Birds of Australia be interesting ?
11 And even if the ‘ caretaker ’ solution is still disliked , would not a strong argument in its favour be that the automatic selection of the ‘ caretaker ’ by virtue of his position preordained either by the stricken Prime Minister or ( in the case of a Labour government ) by his position as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party mean that that selection would keep the Queen above the party infighting , and overall would ensure that the royal prerogative of choice of a new Prime Minister in this context would have no part to play ?
12 I was hoping there would and I will still hope because there 's not for the political reas , I would hope that that the minister would not a U-turn , the Chancellor would do a U-turn on this one .
13 A glossary of technical terms and abbreviations would have been useful , as would also a general bibliography .
14 Surely in 1992 , would n't a sampler be a wiser purchase ?
15 I mean , would n't a nice tortoise be a more worthy beneficiary than the reptilian Jamie ?
16 Would n't a corpse be rather embarrassing for you ? ’
17 But would n't a man of any sensitivity have attempted to check with her , would n't he have assumed that , without needing to be told ?
18 Apropos the previous item , would n't a book of Searle cartoons showing original as well as altered captions make a fascinating ( and amusing ) study of social change ?
19 Some hardware and software will transfer to Europe easily , whilst other products would n't a snowball 's chance etc , etc .
20 Would n't a normal bouquet , even a large one , have been enough ?
21 No , no , I mean I would n't a video to .
22 And given the general increase in mobility , would even a massive increase in investment in railways make much difference to road traffic ?
23 Would even a hidden master squander a whole planet simply to test one individual ?
24 DURING my time in Germany ( 1984-88 ) the British Ambassadors in Bonn and East Berlin would twice a year set off on an official tour , once in his territory and once in mine , to gather impressions about the relationship between the two parts of the divided German nation and how it might develop .
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